
Rittman High School Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

RITTMAN DISTRICT — For the second time, the Rittman High School has been designated one of Ohio’s Schools of Promise by the state superintendent for efforts made to close the achievement gap of those from low-income families.
Rittman High was one of 22 “elite” schools in the state to be designated a school of promise, and the only one in Wayne County.
The designation is “important because the state realizes we are moving in the right direction,” Principal Nick Evans said. “We’re continuing to prepare students for life after school, for college and for jobs, and we’re meeting the goals set for us.”
To be eligible for the award, a school’s population must be at least 40 percent economically disadvantaged students in the 2014-2015 school year; …show more content…

While the outside recognition is appreciated, “I believe we work hard every day in the Rittman schools,” Stuart said. “We know we work hard. This involves the entire district.”
The elementary and middle schools feed into the high school, Evans said. The instruction and work done there is reflected in the high school students’ achievements.
The award “speaks very highly of how the staff, students and parents are working,” Ritchie said. “We’ve had the best report card score I can remember, and this just validates that we continue to make steady progress.”
In all of this, it is important not to overlook the support staff, the school officials said.
“We have put additional people in place to make the students successful, like teacher aides and intervention specialists,” Stuart said.
“We all know that poverty presents major challenges to student achievement, and it often continues from generation to generation,” wrote Lonny J. Rivera, interim state superintendent. It takes takes commitment to provide each student with a quality education, “especially when many students enter the classroom each day challenged by circumstances beyond their schools’

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