
River Of Life Ethics Paper

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In every person’s life they are instilled with a set of morals and ethics, each person tries to live to these morals and ethics, myself included. Ethics are moral principles that hold rules of conducts for an individual, a community, or a culture. Ethics are determined by a person’s values. These values could be personal values, communal values, or cultural values. Values, morals, and ethics are important in the development of a person. Especially in college, this is the time in a person’s life when he or she truly discover who he or she truly is and what he or she wants to be and do with their life. Depending on what a person’s morals and ethics are and if the person chooses to follow these beliefs or not will determine the person who they …show more content…

The message behind the exercise was that you need to work together with your community to succeed, you need to rely on your own personal values as well as the people around you in your community to succeed. This is going to be very important moving forward especially in our Doctor of Physical Therapy Program. We are going to need to work together to get through this long and vigorous curriculum but we are also going to have to rely on our own values. There could be a time where you forget your values and you could end up hurting yourself in the future. Another powerful message in the River of life activity was that you cannot forget about your values. In the activity a piece of paper represented your values and we saw that our papers were all crumpled and destroyed because they were walked over to reach the other side. In life our values and ethics are going to get beaten up and we are going to question them but if we stick with them we will make it to wherever it is that we want to go and whatever it that we want to do. The last message of the River of life is that we needed to leave our home to succeed, although we still have one foot in our home we are slowly beginning this long and difficult journey to achieve the ultimate goal of getting our doctorate in physical

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