
River Restoration Project By Daniel Weintraub

Satisfactory Essays

If the river restoration project goes into effect, congress will have to spend hundreds of millions of dollars. Dollars that will be wasted on salmon that will likely die just after being released into the wild. Ther plat no restore the San Joaquin river is a bust to say the least. The salmon they plan to hatch will likely die quickly, and takes water from the farmers who need it most.

First, Daniel Weintraub in the article “River Restoration Project”, states that the project will be beneficial for the fish and the people.Weintraub supports his point by quoting a source, they say that everyone involved won't be left out. The authors purpose is to inform people about how helpful the project is so that they would support the project. The author writes in an informative tone for people …show more content…

McEwen supports his position by stating that salmon won't survive in the river, and it will harm farmers. The author's purpose is to tell the people the river plan will not work by stating “There are two big problems with the legislation. One, it's tied to putting salmon back in the river. Two, there is no funding for dams or river recirculation technology that would maximize Sierra water runoff and lessen the economic devastation to some San Joaquin valley farmers”, so that everyone will be aware of the fact and vote against it. The author writes in a concerned tone for the people of california.

Third, while in the article “River Restoration Project” Weintraub quotes Monty Schmitt , a biologist with the Natural Resource Defense Council, in that “When we’re done, we’ll have a river that can safely convey the flows necessary to restore salmon and other native fish to the river”, McEwen says that “No one even knows whether salmon can survive the lower San Joaquin, which has more suitable temperatures for bass and bluegill.”, showing that the first point of the river plan is a

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