It’s common for popular books to be made into movies like The Fighter by Jack London. We all know that 90% of the time the movie will be slightly different from the book to grab all sought of audience members. Sometimes people try to enhance the conflict or put more emphasize on an event to make sure the movies a blockbuster. In the fighter the protagonist Rivera faces the same internal and external conflict in both the movie and book. Even though it has the same conflicts the way it’s presented to readers is different. Some may find the conflicts easier to understand in the reading than the movie and vice versa. The conflicts revolve around the internal pain Rivera suffers in both the movie and book. Rivera is young man who suffers internally and …show more content…
Rivera overcame the biggest fight of his life in what was a do or die for the revolution. The book ends with Rivera wining the fight but in the movie Rivera joins the revolutionary army after the fight. The whole fight scene sounded better in the book, it seemed more completive and more realistic. More realistic because Rivera was a nobody and someone who never fought a fighter like Ward or in that environment but in the movie somehow he was able to go toe to toe with him without any training. The movie put more emphasis on the Revolution conflict than the book. From Rivera’s family helping Durango to Rivera himself Rescuing Durango against all odds twice and later joining the revolutionary army himself after his big fight with Ward. The whole connection to the revolution seemed well explained in the movie as it provided a visual of the Rivera families end and beginning of Rivera’s mission. Conflicts come in all forms and exist in one way or another. Conflict is what grabs the audience’s attention, the bigger and better the conflict the more people would want to hear
Comparing the book to the movie you can clearly tell what certain things are different. For example, Sydelle Pulaski worked for Mr. Westing in the movie but only talked over the intercom. This not only caused a lot of drama but more depth to the plot. Also, Crow didn’t go to jail but they did talk about most of the consequences of her going to jail. This made a little bit more serious and emotional instead of just letting it go.
Finally there are lots of differences between the book and the movie. They also show that the movie was a lot weaker then then the book. I can see the movies aren't always better than the books. The books go more into detail than the movie. I enjoined the movie because it is more visual. The book was a little
The story has an external conflict between the main character and her daughter in regarding best way of disciplining Sophie but this conflict is based on the internal one. The main conflict of the story is the internal conflict of the Chinese immigrant who decides to live in the United States but carries the values of her native country with her and therefore, finds it difficult to accept other types of behavior, such as the actions of the Irish family. Her internal conflict is evident when she
This theme shows in a multitude of ways that the author utilizes throughout the story, but perhaps most significant is the central conflict
To begin with, both authors meet a different overarching conflict that follows them for a majority of the story. Walls finds constant friction
Battles and fights are some examples of conflict in most fictional stories. They can be many different fights, like the epic battle between good and evil, or a kingdom defending their land from enemies. When people think of the word ‘battle’, they may think of climatic sword fights and war. But sometimes, battles can take place inside of a person. Perhaps a character may have conflicting aspirations and desires that may cause an internal battle and maybe result in something catastrophic. Or perhaps a character has opposing personalities that might clash and cause something important to happen. In many works of literature, the writer
Finally, these character conflicts create tension between the protagonist and antagonist. In “Priscilla and the Wimps,” the conflict is that Melvin gets beat up by a Kobra. This conflict creates tension because Priscilla stands up for Melvin, and shoves Monk into the locker, creating a lot of tension. “Priscilla bangs the
According to Ann Charters in The Short Story and its Writer, "conflict is the opposition presented to the main Character of a narrative by another character, by events or situations, by fate, or by some aspect of the protagonist's own personality or nature. The conflict is introduced by means of a complication that sets in motion the rising action, usually toward a climax and eventual resolution" (Charters 1782).
The basic plot of this story is a man tries to survive in a world overrun by aliens. This main plot is consistent in both the book and the movie. There was some key differences though. The biggest difference between the forms of this story is the setting. The book was first published in 1898 with the story taking place within that time period. The movie I selected was made and set in 2005. So much technological, industrial, social, and political change happened in this close to 100 year span that it changed the way the story was presented drastically. It converted from fighting aliens with artillery and primitive rifles to using tanks and fighter jets. This changes the whole dynamic of the story. The way the battles are presented in the movie was much more entertaining than the book.
For example, both conflicts involves one side being in the North and the other being in the South. In the book, The Outsiders, the struggle includes West (Socs) versus East (Greasers), whereas in their movie, the clash is North (Greasers) versus South (Socs). In both novels, the South side are rich and fights to keep things the same. In other words, the fighting with the Socs and the Greasers will continue. Additionally, both narratives have the North side be poor and fighting for change.
If a person is going to read the book they might be shocked watching the movie because some scenes from the novel were cut out, or might be less affected on how the ward looks. It could be any five of those elements; it would still change the person’s perspective on it. They might prefer one over the other due to these changes, however the director made the changes from the novel in hopes it would still have a great affect. In conclusion, the novel into the film created several differences in characterization, setting, symbolism, plot, and
The book and the film were both simular, and yet different in many ways. An example would be, in the film, Ponyboy was walking to the drive-in and meeting Cherri and Marcia. Although in the book, Ponyboy began his journey by telling the readers about his experience about being jumped by the Socs and being threatened. The director probably had some options to pick from to leave out from the movie, and the director chosed this to leave out. Leaving out the part where Ponyboy was jumped was an effective move because without the experience Ponyboy was lost and helpless because he did not know what to do when he and Johnny got cornered in the park by Bob and other Socs.
The book and movie are completely different. It 's like comparing apples and oranges. (I 'm assuming that you used the newest version with Guy Pierce). The biggest difference is probably the ommision of Haydee and Maximillien and Valentine (three of the main character) and the addition of Jacapo. Jacapo does is in the book, but he is never a large character.
I think what I like the most the murals that he painted I liked how he
After reading and analyzing this tale, one might argue that the main conflict had more effect on the characters, than the plot of the story. Throughout the tale, the characters are affected by the conflict, however, this ties into the effect that the conflict had on the story overall. The characters didn’t necessarily change, but the sequence of events did. The conflict made up the plot, however it didn’t make up the characters. The characters carried themselves, it’s the way they went about things whenever certain events occurred in the story. The plot