The exhaustion hit so hard that even attempting to remain with my eyes open turned into a struggle. My whole body felt achy after a hard day’s of school work, constantly staring at a computer screen and typing away, just to complete an essay. My pale white hands, frozen by the air conditioning blasting on high, were holding on to the steering wheel like a person gripping the edge of a cliff, hoping not to fall into a dark abyss. My brain wanted to surrender and finally remain in the sleep that I kept dangerously drifting in and out of. I took a glance outside, the road seeming meek. I felt maybe I should slow down so I do not lose control of the wheel. I glanced at the clock as it lit up my face in a blue kind of color, it read 10:01 pm. My …show more content…
Most of the time the passenger side is overflowing with trash, mostly empty pop bottles and cans. It reached the point where if you open the door to enter or exit the truck, cans and bottles spill from inside of the truck. You can not even see the floorboards. I eventually shuffled to reach my radio, my freezing hands hitting the on button. A soothing love song came on, a woman with a calming voice. I took another yawn, while these hipster glasses kept turning less clear by the minute. I removed them from my head and blew my breath to clear the lens. I realized the lenses weren’t the problem, but my lack of sleep. I then heard a loud thud toward the front of me. Prior to my car stopping I found the woman’s voice pleasing, now it had turned into a sudden shrill noise. I reached for the handle and jumped out the truck. An array of silver and gummy bear patterned duct tape stuck tight to the fender of the truck. I waddled to the front of the car and hoisted up the hefty fender. I ripped off a foot long piece of duct tape and taped a fragment of the fender back together. Continuing this process until the fender remained temporarily secured and in
In fact, I was exhausted up to the point that my vision was blurred and my head spun. I tilted my head forward, trying to focus on my lesson but I felt too dazed to continue. Frustrated, I buried my head into my arms, which felt dry from my eczema. I smelled of fresh detergent, as well as the lavender scent of my bed. My breath gave off the scent of potato chips, which I had polished off. Moreover, I sounded low and hoarse. Whenever I spoke, my monotone voice would eventually find its way out of my sore throat like an exhausted bear crawling out of its den. My constant movements were alert and attentive, and both my mind and my body remained restless. The beads of sweat that dribbled down my forehead tasted salty, almost as if I had just taken a dip in the ocean.
David Kalyuta Ms. Dupree DH3-101 22 February 2024 Misrepresentation of Words With tensions increasing regarding racial equality, Kelly Coryell's short essay, “All Words Matter: The Manipulation behind ‘All Lives Matter,’” argues how the phrase “All Lives Matter” in response to “Black Lives Matter” shifts focus from the issue Black Lives Matter is trying to address, namely that Black lives are being lost to police brutality. All Lives Matters attempts to elevate all individuals and their lives, but it fails to address the problem of specifically black lives facing this issue. Through the use of statistics and logical reasoning, Coryell shows us the problems in this seemingly harmless phrase. Using statistics she cites from the NAACP, or the
My mind was going one thousand miles per hour, those words haunting my head. Hot tears flowed down my face as the words sunk in. I slumped in my seat feeling exhausted and too cold for this warm house. My father’s arms reached for me, trying to comfort me. He wouldn’t understand the mental loss that was turning into physical pain. My chest heaved for air, trying to get this drowning feeling out of these thoughts that envelope me bringing a soft cloak of anxiety. “Not again, please.”
As I heard my alarm clock go off at two in the morning, feeling prepared mentally but not physically. My mind,at that point in time raced with thoughts and expectations, although my body felt like it wanted to die. Finally dragging myself out from under the soft covers, I pulled my gear to the bed of the truck and threw my bag up over the side of the truck's bed,-- hearing a giant thud from the heftiness of my pack. I felt mixed emotions coming from my body, my mind ready and my body said: “go back to bed hate you, I hate you, I hate you”. As soon as I plopped myself into the truck squished with three people in the back seat, after about five minutes of driving all three of us passed out fast asleep. The moment I woke, pulling into the parking lot of Mount Washington, New Hampshire I felt ready. When I stepped out of the car, I threw my hands in the air, the best feeling of stretching after a car ride. I look up to see this mountain completely covered with snow and only one round part completely treeless; that's where we hiked too. Strapping my fifty-pound pack on my back containing ski boots, skis, poles, winter gear, and food felt more tiring than it should have.
The roaring sound of the clock was not helping either. I felt as if mentally there, wherever I was but, physically I was not. I could here voices, sobbing but I could not open my eyes. “she might not wake up for day or hours” was the last thing I heard before darkness took me away.
I wrestled with pillows, quilts and books spread on the bed finding some space for nap. Again the hotter months of summers and spring were there; the work was strenuous, combatting uncontrollable wildfires. Because of the generally hot and dry climate, they pose a great risk to life and infrastructure. I struggled to fall asleep but the overbearing heat mocked at me. The air conditioner had gone off an hour agao, forcing my crew out of cabin but i was desperate to get some rest despite the fact i was sweating profusely. Eventually my eyes started to close slowly as i felt the heavy curtain of sleep. I was about to doze off but to my dismay, the fore alarm went off. We had to gear up quickly because the threat level was
Most people have experienced an event in their lifetime that has caused them to develop trust issues, and many of which will never overcome this lack of trust in others. There is a specific reason for this, and it all begins with the issue at hand itself, trust. Everyone with trust issues has been wronged and used relating to their trust in another person. They were betrayed by someone they never imagined could hurt them. As a recent song created by the rock group Phish has reverberated, “Each betrayal begins with trust.” Betrayal has been a common theme in all forms of literature since time began and is a part of being a social being, humans, that we simply cannot avoid. Where there is a relay of trust, there is an individual willing to extort it. Just as though some individuals will exploit power wherever they can find it in order to better themselves, others will exploit trust to better themselves.
Glancing to the clock, I made note that it was barely past three o’clock and yet here I was planted in bed. I hated being ill, especially living alone. Although I have much support from my sister and her husband, I still spent most of the morning alone. I was not surprised by my illness, I had been grieving more and more as the days came. My entire state of mind had begun to strip away what little patience and avoidance I had. I had stopped eating for several days, my
It was 5 A.M. and my thoughts were everywhere. I kept tossing and turning, desperately trying to fall asleep, but knowing I couldn't. I finally slipped out of bed, carefully so that I wouldn't wake up Olivia, and proceeded to walk down the stairs. I sat down on the living room couch and exhaled deeply as I stared into the sunroof.
The mud glueing my recently bought sneakers to the trail became deeper and deeper as we continued walking but I was too busy admiring the vibrant leaves around me to let it phase me. The smell of trees and the subtle trace of cinnamon floating in the air seemed to shoot into my nose. The wind picked up and formed a nice, light breeze. The crisp air blew through my hair which was firmly tied in a ponytail. I continued walking down the slender path, every once in awhile my path was crossed by a small chipmunk or squirrel. I thought back to this morning when my mom had asked me if I wanted a jacket, I refused. Regretting that decision I crossed my arms in front of my body. It was about 2:00 and I hurried along as the cold air continued whisking
The drive to Memphis, Tennessee was long, and dreadful. I endured a full day of nothing but sitting on a bus. I couldn't wait to finally get to Memphis! I had never been to Tennessee, and I was full of excitement like a bee that spotted a beautiful flower. All the way down there all I could think about was all the different sceneries I was going to see. Everywhere traveled was a new experience, and I was beyond excited to take on this one.
I heard the faint high pitched beeping of my alarm clock as I opened my sleep covered eyes. I attempted to roll out from under my covers but immediately retreated as I felt the chilly spring air touch my skin. While I was mustering up the motivation to get out of bed, I glanced at my alarm clock. “11:00 AM” it read in boxy, glowing numbers. Had I really slept in that long? I finally rose from my bed, traveling down the stairs to make myself some breakfast. “Hi, girl!” I greeted my dog where she was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I smiled to myself as I turned on some music, opened the fridge to retrieve some eggs, and turned on the stove. It felt like a fine Saturday morning until I remembered that I had a lacrosse game later
The nature of childhood, has changed significantly over time. Reference for definitions The word ‘childhood’ can be defined as being ‘the period during which a person is a child’ and is seen as the period between birth and adolesance. Childhood is built up by a range of different aspects for example: development socially, educationally etc. The idea of childhood being in crisis, can relate to a range of different issues i.e. family breakdown, increase in technology, culture/society changes etc. A crisis can be defined as being a time of intense difficulty. Whether childhood is in crisis or not it is extremely important to support a child’s development through childhood. Childhood is made up of three
The van zigzags back and forth on the road that twists and turns; it veers along the side of forests and deep cliffs and the driver can only see a short distance ahead. Everyone sits clutching their seats so as not to slide back and forth with the movement of the van. The passengers’ eyes are fixated on the road; even though they are exhausted and starving, they do not sleep or eat. The passengers are terrified of crashing into an oncoming car because they are on a narrow, two-way road. If another car would hurtle down the road and try to swerve, they would surely crash or one of them would be forced to topple over the side. Although, they are all friends, traveling together to the same location not a sound can be heard inside the
As my car climbed the hill, my heart sunk into my stomach. I parked as far away from my friends as I could and quickly exited the car, not once looking at them. Now it was every man for himself. Emerging into the open air, I suddenly became aware of myself. I could feel my puffy, blood-shot eyes. My palms became slimy. My fingers clinched into a fist and my nails dug into my skin. My sight blurred and my tunnel of vision tried to focus on the front door. Every step seemed more awkward than the last. Eyes pierced me from all sides. I felt naked. My body trembled like a sheep in the midst of wolves.