
Road Descriptive Writing

Decent Essays
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The exhaustion hit so hard that even attempting to remain with my eyes open turned into a struggle. My whole body felt achy after a hard day’s of school work, constantly staring at a computer screen and typing away, just to complete an essay. My pale white hands, frozen by the air conditioning blasting on high, were holding on to the steering wheel like a person gripping the edge of a cliff, hoping not to fall into a dark abyss. My brain wanted to surrender and finally remain in the sleep that I kept dangerously drifting in and out of. I took a glance outside, the road seeming meek. I felt maybe I should slow down so I do not lose control of the wheel. I glanced at the clock as it lit up my face in a blue kind of color, it read 10:01 pm. My …show more content…

Most of the time the passenger side is overflowing with trash, mostly empty pop bottles and cans. It reached the point where if you open the door to enter or exit the truck, cans and bottles spill from inside of the truck. You can not even see the floorboards. I eventually shuffled to reach my radio, my freezing hands hitting the on button. A soothing love song came on, a woman with a calming voice. I took another yawn, while these hipster glasses kept turning less clear by the minute. I removed them from my head and blew my breath to clear the lens. I realized the lenses weren’t the problem, but my lack of sleep. I then heard a loud thud toward the front of me. Prior to my car stopping I found the woman’s voice pleasing, now it had turned into a sudden shrill noise. I reached for the handle and jumped out the truck. An array of silver and gummy bear patterned duct tape stuck tight to the fender of the truck. I waddled to the front of the car and hoisted up the hefty fender. I ripped off a foot long piece of duct tape and taped a fragment of the fender back together. Continuing this process until the fender remained temporarily secured and in

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