
Road Not Taken Essay

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Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” is an amazing poem that relates to my life and all the different and important decisions we need to make in our lives looking at the pros and cons. The poem helps you realize that there will always be choices throughout your life and your always gonna have to think about what works out for you.This poem relates to the world well because whenever you try to make a good decision you might make the wrong choice, but that’s what you learn from and keep trying on from then. The decision I made about was my school clubs. I had a lot of clubs so I decided to a have 2 choices: First, glee, choir and Enviro. Second, soccer, chess, speed stacking. I chose the first one because even if chess and speed stacking are important to me like the other clubs, I can do it at home, but choir, glee and enviro beat the others.That’s because I was in enviro for 2 years along with choir and I just feel like a part of it and I know I’m helping the school. Helping the environment helps me develop my knowledge on how I can save the planet from all the environmental issues in the world and that’s what helps me be a better person. Choir is a big part in my life because my faith is really important to me and singing …show more content…

The benefits of both choices are that the first one is something I’m really interested in, enviro will help me learn more about the world we live in, I can spend some time with my friends, and I will have skills for the future. I was really pleased with the outcome because I had to choose between things I love, and that’s not easy and I know that if I try to do all of them, I won’t have time to focus on school

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