
Robber Barons Dbq

Decent Essays

DBQ#7 During the post Civil War period many capitalists took over and ramped up industry. There were also individuals who took industries and monopolized them. Many historians who look back at these capitalists who shaped the post Civil War industry argue about whether they should be viewed as captains of industry who developed large industry, or as robber barons who used industry and monopolies to achieve wealth and take advantage of the working class. This essay will show why they were captains of industry. In 1879 Henry George wrote an article titled “Progress and Poverty”. In this article he discussed the ongoing industry and he stated that “the wealthy class is becoming more wealthy; but the poorer class is becoming more dependent. …show more content…

In the Gospel of Wealth Carnegie discussed how wealthy men help the poor and working class with charity. Since the wealthy get to choose where the money goes to it helps the poor more than it would by being given to them. The money went to programs and services the poor needed rather than being given to the poor that would spend it on unneeded resources. The superior education and understanding of the industrialists and wealthy helped the poor and working class more because with charity they could choose what programs would get the funding needed to help the poor. During 1889 a political cartoon was made called “The Robber Barons of Today”. This cartoon depicts the working class giving bags of money with labels of taxes and wages to the wealthy. This cartoon is trying to depict the industrialists as robber barons, but the industrialists weren't robber barons, they were captains of industry using the money generated from the working class to pay the working class and boost the …show more content…

This picture shows the young boys who would help the coal miners break up rock. The boys were about eight to ten years old. This picture is an excellent example of the hard work the young working class would put in to ensure the country's economy and industry improved. Jobs like this for young children built character and made them into tough individuals who drove the country during industrialization. In these documents and political cartoons it helps show how the industrial leaders were captains of industry. Machinery was implemented into industry which helped boost production and the economy. The south was almost entirely industrialized and everyone was working. The captains of industry helped support the working class through charity to ensure the funding would go to good useful programs. These are the reasons that the industrialists during the time period of 1875-1900 were captains of industry who drove the

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