
Robbin O 'Leary's Article' Creating Numerical Scales

Decent Essays

Sharon Young and Robbin O'Leary's article, "Creating Numerical Scales for Measuring Tools," focused on several activities that would encourage students to think mathematically about the need for measuring tools with numerical scales. The article provides several ideas that can be used to teach students, which address problems that students have with understanding measuring scales on rulers, measuring cups, and thermometers. For students to realize the need for numerical scales, they first had to understand the importance of three ideas. The first idea that students must learn, is the importance of repeatedly using the same-sized unit to determine a measurement. Second, students have to understand that units of different sizes will provide them different measurements of the same object. Finally, students have to realize that measuring with individual units will be ineffective. I totally agree with the thoughts that the authors provided in the article. Any student can learn (memorize) what the tick marks on a ruler, measuring cup, or thermometer are for and how they are used. However, memorizing the markings of each device and how each device works will not teach students the concept …show more content…

Training individuals, fire teams, and squads to become capable combat ready units requires complex instruction. However, for individuals to be able to perform as members of fire teams, squads, and platoons, hundreds of basic tasks must be learned first. Once the basic tasks have been learned and refined, individual soldiers are then trained in the basic tasks that are required as a fire team. This process continues on in the same manor until individuals are capable to execute combat operations as part of a maneuver task force. Every soldier within the task force relies on the idea that every individual is competent in each of the basic skills necessary for mission

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