
Robert Frost's 'Acquainted With The Night'

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Robert Frost, a four-time Pulitzer Prize winner, wrote “acquainted with the night”. Frost is all about expressing isolation and depression in this poem. Frost reveals that isolating yourself from people and your feelings can cause yourself to experience depression and loneliness. In “ acquainted with the night”, the speaker is stuck in on a emotional roller coaster of loneliness and unhappiness that will not stop. The speaker is a sad lonely person who is traveling throughout the city at night. The speaker goes through quite a few emotions throughout the stanzas. In the first stanza, the emotion that is expressed is loneliness and perseverance. Unlike the first stanza, the second stanza switches between two emotions instead of staying the same throughout the entire stanza. In the beginning of stanza 2 the feeling of sorrow is displayed. In the last line of stanza two, “and dropped …show more content…

Since night as another meaning in this poem, it makes it a metaphor. Night stands of darkness, which can be interpreted as sadness, depression, suffering, or despair. The speaker is acquainted with the feelings of melancholy because loneliness is expressed throughout the poem. Symbolism creates the feel of distance. The speaker has “outwalked the furthest city lights” and heard a cry “ far away”. The luminary clock is“ further still at an unearthly height”. By the narrator saying this tells use the the luminary clock is the moon, which still is a great distance for one's reach. The watchman is the symbol of judgement. The speaker feels some sort of guilt upon passing the watchman, and the speaker “dropped his eyes unwilling to explain”. All of the symbols within the poem is example of alienation. The speaker is using personification to reflect the speaker's feelings. For example the speaker looked down the “ saddest city lanes” and the moon “proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right”. A moon can not proclaim

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