
Robert Peary's Claim To Reaching The North Pole

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On April 6, 1909, six men planted an American flag on the top of the world. Explorer Robert Peary had become the first person to reach the North Pole. Or had he? Peary’s claim to be the first to reach the Pole was soon challenged by another explorer, Frederick Cook. The National Geographic Society (NGS) and other groups looked at Peary’s records and equipment. They concluded that he was telling the truth. In 1911 the U.S. Congress even passed a bill stating that Peary had truly reached the Pole. However, questions about Peary’s claim continued. The first modern investigation, again by NGS, took place in 1988. It suggested that Peary had made some navigational errors and was likely 30-60 miles away from the Pole. However, the Navigation Foundation

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