
Robert Stuart Social Media

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In Robert Stuart’s essay “Social Media: Establishing Criteria for Law Enforcement Use,” the author gives an overview of the relationship between social media and law enforcement. Stuart makes a claim of policy believing that social media has been helpful and harmful to law enforcement and that tighter regulations of the use of social media by law enforcement must be enacted within their respective agencies. The warrants in his essay are that most people do not understand the reach of social media, technologies that help law enforcement are a benefit, and technologies that jeopardize an officer’s image, official duties, or safety are undesirable. Stuart’s tone remains consistently professional and he lays out his support in order of the previously stated warrants. The author begins with the reach of social media and then moves to social media’s benefit to law enforcement. He ends his presentation of support with social media’s short comings when dealing with matters of law enforcement. …show more content…

Stuart gives examples and statistics concerning the growth of social media sites such as YouTube and Facebook. This is where the author address the first warrant that most people do not understand the size and scope of social media. Stuart then moves on to address the second part of the warrant. The author uses examples to illustrate that social media has been successfully used on many occasions to aid law enforcement in their duties. He uses examples of pictures posted on a popular social media website leading to the identification of a body. He also gives the example of boastful criminals posting about their exploits online which in turn aids officers in apprehending

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