
Robin Thicke's Allusion In Crossing The Line

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Priscilla Ipiña ENGL 1302.65501 Prof. Buenning Essay 1 1 Jul. 2015 Crossing the Line The music industry continues to expand and people often find the power of music to help them get through hard times. Artists have become capable of expressing similar emotions through their work leading others to connect to their music. Although this is a pro of music there is a con, not everyone analyzes lyrics. Society listens to what sounds good and unfortunately often leads to singing lyrics without paying attention to the message. This can be said about Robin Thicke’s summer hit “Blurred Lines.” The controversial lyrics suggest rape and degrade women while men take advantage of them. The degrading of women can be seen through Thicke’s diction in the pre-chorus …show more content…

The lyrics can be found in Thicke’s second verse, “You wanna hug me… What rhymes with hug me?” This suggests that the actions of women are often taken out of context which can lead to rape. The speaker goes from an innocent hug to something far from a logical leap. To the speaker the “hug” in “Hug me” translates to the four letter word equivalent to that of sex. The speaker thinks that because “hug me” barely even rhymes with this action it is okay to twist the meaning of a hug. Miscommunication is evident here as the actual word is never said by the speaker or woman. This miscommunication is the “blurred lines” that stand between one another. What might have just been a friendly gesture was understood as something else for the speaker. It is suggested that the speaker wanted to take the woman home with him. Here rape is suggested as consent is needed from both people. Consent is only hinted at by the speaker’s attempt of rhyme. The allusion of consent isn’t consent. Rape is insinuated and the logic of date rape is promoted. A hug doesn’t mean take me home with you. However because there are “blurred lines” the speaker takes his chances in making this assumption. By doing so, the woman is now a potential rape

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