
Rock N Roll Counterculture

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Rock n' roll and punk have often been pitted against each other to determine which is the superior genre of music. Persons of the respective parties can be found in groups debating whether or not punk or rock n' roll is the superior genre; most subscribers to these genres become quick masters of all things punk or rock n' roll. Both will sit around with various alcoholic beverages strewn about, naming bands in quick succession and ticking them off on their fingers as if doing so adds some sort of validity to their argument. To survive in such a paramount argument one must learn the lingo of each subculture, including but not limited to the history, surrounding culture and style, and the content of a live-show and a band’s previous records. …show more content…

It is argued over whether rock n' roll is a counterculture or not because it was widely popular amongst children and adults alike at it’s prime and ultimately did not present any radically different ideas, but what can’t be argued is rock n' roll’s seniority and perfected tone. While there is much to be said about the bands that proudly wear the label punk or rock n' roll as a button on their acid washed jean vests, something has to be said for the history and subculture that defines each respective genre. Punk refutes social attitudes that have been perpetuated through willful ignorance of human nature, and rock n' roll is just a trend that people followed because of it’s attractive ideal. If it were not for punk, voices as strong and influential as Billie Joe Armstrong or Sid Vicious would never had made an impact on millions of angry citizens who were surfeited of systematic oppression and capitalistic ideals. Counterculture has always been political and driven by the underground, whether it be the Lolita girls of Japan, the Kontrkul’tura movement in Russia, the Nambassa lifestyle in New Zealand, or the Basque Radical Rock movement in Spain, but nothing quite compares to the raw grit and blood that goes into being punk, the ultimately universal counterculture. At it’s heart punk is anti-society and anti-normalcy. Because human nature yearns for acceptance, and punk objects such assimilation, it is the only true

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