Rocket Club
- Team America Rocketry Challenge is a national competition where over 700 rocketry teams competed reach an altitude target within a certain time range, return an egg back to Earth undamaged, and comply to other specific engineering requirements. My team finished in 32th place during finals in Washington DC.
- Member of NASA's 2016 Student Launch, a program where we had to build a rocket around a research or engineering payload and go through an extensive design review process. Along with our initial proposal, our team wrote four design documents and gave corresponding PowerPoint presentations to a team of NASA engineers. Our research project involved examining the effects of he extreme gravitational forces from a rocket launch
Some of the difficulties that Melba witnessed and experienced during the 1957 integration efforts of the “Little Rock 9” are when in chapter two after they made the decision on Brown v Board of Education when Melba was walking home after school a white man attempted to kidnap and assault and possibly rape Melba just because she was a young black girl.
The Little Rock Nine faced many struggles, and dealing with the Governor of Arkansas was one of them. As Elizabeth Eckford recalled in her interview with Facing History and Ourselves, she “walked further down the line of guards to where there was another sidewalk,” but when she “stepped up, they crossed rifles” (Eckford). She was informed the night before that there would be guards at the door, but she thought it was to protect them. This didn’t seem to be the case for her, though, because after trying three times to enter the school, she was led by a soldier into the crowd of angry people, shouting for her to leave. She said that they, “to [her] ears sounded like a mob” (Eckford). This was society’s first reaction to the Little Rock Nine,
On the journey, there were many dangers the Corps of Discovery faced. June 15, 1805, something unexpected happened. Lewis was out hunting on his own, he had shot a buffalo and as the buffalo fell to the ground, a grizzly bear came running towards him. Lewis’ gun was not loaded, so he did the first thing that came to mind. There was a river nearby so he ran into the water, the bear stopped running, and turned the other direction. As Lewis and Clark arrived at the camp Nez Perce, the tribe did not trust the Corps of Discovery. While the Corps stayed at the camp, some of the men got very ill from eating unfamiliar foods. The Nez Perce tribe thought about killing the weak men, but a young Native, Watkuweis stopped the tribe from doing any harm.
Melba Patillo was kicked, beat up, and had acid thrown in her face. At some point during school white students burned an African-American effigy in a vacant lot across from the school.
There are many ways that the press worked to clarify events for the national audience from the Little Rock Nine. The Little Rock Nine was a group of nine black children who wanted a chance to go to Central High School for educational purposes. What they didn't know was that there were segregationists who would do everything in their power to make sure the black students wouldn't have the experience they wanted at Central. The media took these moments to make news that everyone would see and know about.
The Women’s College World Series is the last round of the NCAA Tournament, where the National Champion is decided. Every little girl, that plays softball dreams of playing in the Women’s College World Series. This past season, it was a dream come true for the Michigan Women’s Softball team to make it to the World Series. As a player and as a fan the World Series is one of the best experiences to be a part of. Fans are outside of the stadium tailgating all day long. Then at came time thousands of fans rush in to the stadium to take their seats. This past year the overall attendance record was broken. There were 78,078 fans, breaking the previous record of 75,960. Everyone’s family and friends wants to be there so badly.
If two people of different races are just alike you shouldn’t separate them. But you also shouldn’t tell one part of the story to make something or someone look good. The Plessy vs. Ferguson case came up with the famous quote “separate but equal” Meaning things could be separated between races as long as each race had all the same things. Particularly in this case between Blacks and Whites, but in schools, restaurants, and many other places it wasn’t equal. So there was a case called Brown vs. Board of Education which fought to integrate schools and Brown won. The first to integrate was the Little Rock Nine in Little Rock, Arkansas. While the Little Rock Nine were integrating the press illuminated and distorted information and pictures of the
Little Rock Nine was the first group to integrate to an all white school, Little Rock Central High School in Arkansas. Members involved in the group were Melba Pattillo, Ernest Green, Elizabeth Eckford, Minnijean Brown, Terrence Roberts, Carlotta Walls Lanier, Jefferson Thomas, Gloria Ray, and Thelma Mothershed. These nine kids were those chosen amongst 80 to attend Little Rock Central High School. Angry white mobs that were against integrating all white schools physically and verbally abused Little Rock Nine .
What was it about these 9 black students that impacted on so many lives? The Little Rock 9. Many people loved them and many people also hated them. But they did not let that stop them from becoming who they are today.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is one of the leading organizations in space technology and research. In the past 60 years, NASA has sent numerous satellites, telescopes and crew modules into space. Despite drawbacks in launch failures and lack of funding, NASA continues to focus on its mission in space exploration and technological advancement. One of NASA’s projects is to explore deep space, in which entails a manned missions to Mars, exploration of the asteroid belt, and beyond. With these goals in mind, NASA has engineered new rocketry and even created a program to better allocate costs of such conquests. With these new advancements, NASA has created a new age of how space travel is carried out.
In 1957, Little Rock, a town in Arkansas, was one of the first places in the south to have integrated schools. The Little Rock Nine was a group that started the desegregation process. They were a group of nine African-American boys and girls who were going to integrate Central High School. This caused many problems with segregationists because they did not want their schools integrated. Segregationists created mobs around Central and did many things in protest. At Central many of the African-American kids experienced bullying. As a result, they fought through the bullying and pursued. Photographs, television, and newspapers were all news mediums used to illuminate events surrounding the Little Rock Nine even though they weren’t always correct.
The events that took place surrounding the Little Rock Nine Crisis, are still embedded in the minds of many. The Little Rock Nine made sure to show people to always stand up for what is right, no matter how difficult the situation is. This event caused many things to occur and has completely changed schools forever.
Twentieth Century America, more specifically the year of 1957. We have come so far since, then It was many years of ups and downs; furthermore, there are some years perceived to be its most defining but the one that is most prevalent is 1957 due to the growth, overcoming of obstacles, and inventions. This year is unique or “the most defining” because political and cultural actions happened such as a walk out of a high school in Arkansas, a race to get to space first and the invention of the Frisbee.
I have done my best in school. I have always gotten a grade better than a A- in school. In order to achieve this, I do extra credit when it’s given, go in early to class if I do not understand a concept, and get homework done in a orderly manner.
I would be a good representative for the National Junior Honor Society. I believe this because of two things. The first reason is that I get exceptional grades. I try my best to maintain my average over 95. I do not fret when I get a bad grade. Instead I think of it as an opportunity to try even more on the next test or quiz and a chance to learn from my mistakes. The other reason is because I enjoy helping others. I like to help my fellow classmates with their homework if they do not understand it.