“Hurry up!” Sam screamed at his brother Max. The two boys raced towards the gathering crowd. Today was the Woodbury county fair and Sam did not want to miss it. When they arrived in the crowd they immediately saw, that the rodeo was just beginning. In Sam’s opinion, the rodeo was his favorite thing at the Fair! His brother Max evidently, did not agree. “Let’s get out of here.” Max scowled. “No, can’t we just watch for a bit longer? After that we can go do what you want to see Max.” “Oh alright.” After a few more bulls threw their regretful rider off their huge hide, they went to see what Max wanted to see, Locked and loaded. It was a shooting range, Max flashed his white teeth. Sam knew he wouldn’t budge from this attraction. After a while of whining, …show more content…
Can’t we just go now?” “Fine! But only since you have been nagging me, since we got here.” Sam started to sprint down the columns of people, he wanted to see the pig wrestling match, more like be in the match. “Sam! Sam, wait!” Max hollered. Sam was already in line waiting to enter the match. “It will be fine! Don’t worry so much Max!” Just a minute later Sam was wrestling the muddy pig. Sam’s Face hit the mud hole with tremendous force. As he wiped the mud from his eyes Sam heard his brother loudly pronounce, “You are going to be in big trouble when we get home!” On their way home Sam tried to think of an explanation for their mother. He could not think of anything that would get him in less trouble than he already was. Here he was, at his home, about to face his mother. She would be mad as a hornet! Sam thought. He opened the door as shy as a mouse. His mother looked at him and whispered “Oh what happened to you? Are you hurt?” “No, I decided to wrestle a pig. It looks like I paid the price for that decision right?” Sam yelled out. “Oh, I think you should go clean up.” His mother whispered like a soft summer’s breeze. “Wait, I’m not in trouble?” Sam asked astonished. “No.” His mother
“Well,” Mrs. Johnson interrupted, “how about we settled down and talk about our plans for the morning?” Everyone agreed and sat in a circle discussing their ideas. Next, they decided they should head to bed due to the early times they would have to wake in the morning. As they woke up, they put on their layers of clothes, grabbed their bags, and headed for the Johnsons’ business. They would be staying in an attic, which luckily had a bathroom, but would have to sleep all in one room. They set up their belongings and set rules which they would have to follow to stay safe.
“Hurry up!” Sam screamed to his brother Max. *CLICK CLACK* Where the sound of their cream colored, filthy boots. The two boys raced to the gathering crowd, today was the Wood bury County Fair and Sam did not want to miss it
William enjoyed the lighthearted moment when the cowboys rode high in the saddle, hats waving and calls being yelled out as they saw the auction pens in sight. “Move ‘em in! Get these doggies to market!”
Susie’s mother opened the door to let Molly, Susie’s babysitter, inside. Ten-month old Susie seemed happy to see Molly. Susie then observed her mother put her jacket on and Susie’s face turned from smiling to sad as she realized that her mother was going out. Molly had sat for Susie many times in the past month, and Susie had never reacted like this before. When Susie’s mother returned home, the sitter told her that Susie had cried until she knew that her mother had left and then they had a nice time playing with toys until she heard her mother’s key in the door. Then Susie began crying once again.
boys impaled the dead pig with a spear up it’s behind, and laughing afterwards. Jack then
It was 12:30, on a september day. The auction house in central pennsylvania would have just brought out its first horse.
The sun rose quickly into the bright, sunny sky. It was one of the nicest mornings the city of Oklahoma had ever for the annual junior rodeo competition. This competition included some of the wildest dangerous sports in the world!
We were all going horseback riding in the woods.Once we all got there the instructor told us rules like to hang on if you see a bear.After all that talk we got our horse.
Frankie stuck out his tongue, and then quickly turned on his heels and took off running down the street. Max darted after him disappearing into the crowd.
Maya was called into the office one day at school to be told her brother had gotten into a fight. The principal told Maya that a student was making fun of the way her brother talked and then they got into a fight. Maya had to call her papa to tell him what had happened. It was not fun to tell her papa about the fight. The next day after Maya's practice Danny and Daniel were showing how strong they were by lifting up Maya and Shannon. Maya’s papa was mad at her when he saw this, but Daniel
Robin sighs deeply as he sits on his bed and runs his fingers through his hair. Regina comes up behind him and rubs the middle of his back trying to comfort him. She places a chaste kiss on his lips, "what has got you riled up?"
Marlee’s family wanted to go to dinner so they left her with her grandmother’s neighbor. When they came home, she had told her parents she was sure Marlee was deaf. Her mom didn’t think much of it. Marlee was 18 months, she going into her terrible twos. The neighbor insisted it was something
Standing there with Mother in that schoolroom that morning, it began to dawn on me that if Mother could argue this large lady down, then she was, indeed, going to leave me there. That is when I started crying, because I knew no one would win an argument with Mother. When I started crying, the seventeen little strangers started laughing. The more they laughed, the more I cried, creating a vicious cycle that spiraled out of control like a giant Frisbee. Mother brought us all back down to earth with a Frisbee shattering scream: "Shut up," she bellowed! I knew she meant me, so I did. The children thought she meant them, so they did. The teacher stopped wringing her hands and muttered, 'Well, maybe she is brighter than she looks. Maybe she will hit a growth spurt."
Page 14 “You sure you’re ok in there.” Said mom. “Yah Mom like I said everything’s fine.” Said Mike. “Do you need anything?” Said mom. “Yah can you get me a rag?” Said Mike. “Ok I’ll be right back.” Said mom. Mom came back, “Open the -“ door so I can give you this rag.” Said mom. Mike unlock the door, he then opened it up an grabbed the rag out of his mom’s hand “Thanks!” Said Mike. Mike shut the door and locked it.
“Mom, I need you to come pick me up. I don’t feel good,” he was begging his mom to come. To tell him that he’ll be fine. He was so unsure as to why he felt this way, I mean all he wanted to do was go home.