There are thousands of movies that can be watched today, so choosing the right one towatch can be difficult at times. Therefore, movie critics write movie reviews about them, to giveviewers an overview and as to how good the movie is in their opinion. One of the most famousmovie critics is Roger Ebert. He evaluated many movies during his time and one of his lastreviews was over the movie The Avengers. Roger Ebert is an adequate movie critic because hesummarizes the plot exceptionally well, distinguishably describes the main characters, and givesan adequate final evaluation.The movie The Avengers was released on May 4, 2012 and is a movie about sixsuperheroes joining together to save the world (Ebert). The six superheroes are Iron Man,Captain …show more content…
In addition, to giving just the overall plot and order, Ebert also summarizes the keyevents that happen in the five different events that he outlines. For example, he explains how theAvengers are brought together and how the villain is dramatized when he states, “ The reasonthey're brought together in "The Avengers" is that the Earth is under threat by the smirking Loki(Tom Hiddleston), Thor's adopted brother, who controls the Tesseract, a pulsing cube of energythat opens a gateway to the universe; through it, he plans to attack Earth with his fleet of reptile-looking monster-machines.”( Ebert, Roger) In this quote he dramatized the villain, Loki, bystating he controls the tesseract and how he will attack earth with his fleet of reptile monsters.Not only does Ebert effectively summarize the plot of the movie, but he also gives a greatdescription of the main characters of the movie.Another reason that Ebert’s review of The Avengers is a quality review is the fact that hedistinguishably describes the main characters, mentions the actor’s names, and mentions thedirector of the movie at the end of the review. Ebert does a great job of mentioning the maincharacters and describing what the character’s super powers are. As well as mentioning, thename of the actor that plays that character. For example, this is how Ebert describes andmentions Hulk, “The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) is a mild-mannered guy until he gets angry, and thenhe expands into a leaping, bounding green muscle man who can rip apart pretty much anything.”(Ebert, Roger) He does a description similar too this quote for each main character in the moviereview, while also mention the actor. This makes Ebert’s
Dale Earnhardt Sr. died as he lived. Always known as a competitor who brought the best out in everyone around him, he died trying to bring the best out in one of his drivers, Michael Waltrip. Dale knew that several cars had the ability to win the Daytona 500, and he was determined to make sure that those cars had to get by him in order to reach Waltrip, the eventual winner. His final lap crash occurred as he was running interference for Waltrip and his son, Dale Junior, who finished second.
Sling Blade’s main theme is the redemption of Karl’s lost childhood. Karl Childer’s overly religious parents believed he was a punishment from God. They severely abused him, treated him like an animal, and forced him to live in a shed in solitude. Everyone in town picked on him and called him names. He was seen as a “retard” or slower than others. He had little to call his own. His only possessions were a Bible and several books on Christmas and carpentry. Karl was taught the Bible as a child, but it wasn’t really the Bible. The stories they told him were not in the Bible. His parents had made up their own stories and had led him astray on the rights and wrongs
If it is difficulty that shows what men are, there should be no doubt about what kind of man Carl Brashear is. The Navy's first African-American Master Diver, Brashear faced difficulties that would have defeated most people. His spirit and determination resulted not only in his overcoming great odds to become a U.S. Navy diver, but also in his surviving the loss of a leg in an accident on the USS Hoist in 1966 - and more amazingly - in his attaining the rank of Master Diver.
Tim Notke once said, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” (Quotespaper). Shawn Grim comes from a poor family living in Appalachia, Rudy Ruettiger has suffered his whole life with dyslexia, causing him to struggle in school. There are lots of similarities and differences between Shawn Grim and Rudy Ruettiger and how they followed through with their dreams of going to college and playing football.
Rowan of Rin is a series of fantasy novels written by Emily Rodda set predominately in the village of Rin and centred around Rowan and his adventures. The Rowan of Rin series is set in the same world as in the Deltora Quest, the Three Doors trilogy and the Star of Deltora series.
Dale Earnhardt grew up in automotive racing. Ever since he was a kid that is what his family did, and now his family carries on that legacy.
Roger Sherman is someone that you may say is the forgotten founding father, so let’s change that. Roger Sherman was a very influential politician and lawyer, being admired by some of greatest and brightest men of this time.
Many people think, blacks cannot do many things, they do not have the same rights white do. Some people, even after the segregation times are over, still have in their mind “blacks stink”. Many are also racist about women and girls. They say women cannot achieve as many goals as a man. Well let me be the first to tell you. This is wrong. No matter what skin color you have or what gender you are; you can still accomplish many goals. An individual I know that goes by the name of Roger Arliner Young, is a woman and a black. She was a hardworking woman born 1889 in the town of Clifton Forge. Throughout her life, she faced a set of difficulties that threw her so far from success in her life. Mrs. Young after graduating even became a zoologist and
“Brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” This was the mantra Randy Pausch lived by in his terminating life. In his book, which I learned the quote from, he talked about many challenges he overcame throughout his life. The largest obstacle I have had to overcome is the challenge of being a part of many extracurricular activities while maintaining above average grades in my rigorous schedule throughout the years.
Throughout history, there have been people whose names and faces have become synonymous with the time periods in which they lived. For example, Julius Caesar is synonymous with the late Roman Republic and George Washington is synonymous with the American Revolution. Just like these two men, the name Robert E. Lee has become synonymous with the American Civil War. Not only did Lee rise to become the most important and recognizable person in the Southern Confederacy, but his honor and virtuous acts during and after the war made him a hero to modern-day Americans. Even though he fought for what many consider the morally erroneous side of the war, the virtues of his character have made him a figure in American history
In 1971 Coach Herman Boone replaced a popular, successful white coach at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia, in that community's effort to finally integrate its schools. The school and community were angrily divided by the federal integration order, and the volatility of the situation was heightened by the abrupt demotion of Coach Yoast and Boone's promotion to Head Coach. In this movie Coach Boone is on a mission to try to get the white and black players to unite and play together as a team. He wanted the two races to become a team. Around that time, there was a lot of racism and a lot of schools were segregated, so the players obviously didn't get along with each other at first. A lot changed when Boone replaced Yoast
Whether you drowned in the text in your final year of school, or saw it in that one ‘Simpsons’ episode in 2009, everyone at least, kind of knows the story of that curse’d Scottish Play. Yet, what you might not know is that the hardest part to nail about the play isn’t the language, but instead, the complex themes that run through the story. Throughout this tragic tale, countless characters succumb to the pressures of maintaining their macho-man status, while others use their new-found ‘manliness’ to accomplish unbelievable things. Masculine ambition is a theme that underpins the entire plot and is the unfortunate downfall of many great (and not so great) characters.
Remember the Titans is a classic football movie filled with many obstacles. These obstacles vary from racism to dealing with death. It’s based on a true story that took place in Alexandria, Virginia in 1971. What makes this movie classic is how the players and coaches were able to overcome the issue of segregation and build relationships to form a championship team.
Many people believe that illegal children do not deserve public education in the U.S. . As a matter of fact, many people do not even want immigrants in this country. “According to the most recent data, there were more than 840,000 immigrant’s student in the United States, and more than 4.6 million English learners”. Also with that many immigrants children it is still a federal law that these children may be able to enroll into schools and receive an education. The USA could benefit by educating the children of illegal immigrants, even though many Americans do not agree. It is time that the children who will be educated, will be educated by tax payers dollars; however, many illegal immigrants quickly find employment and contribute to paying
What is your assessment of Ron Ventura’s performance over the term of his two-year contract with the hospital? Should his contract be renewed?