
Roger Chillingworth Character Traits

Decent Essays

Roger Chillingworth: Physical Attributes & Outer Appearance: Roger Chillingworth is described quite specifically in the novel. Hawthorne describes him as a small man but also highlights an intelligence in his features, a “remarkable intelligence” in fact (56). This forebodes his persona in the story because he goes on to be portrayed as intelligent, although also a bit henious. It is also noticed by Hester that one of his shoulders are higher than the other. This trait was mentioned to convey to the reader how Hester recognized that the man she was staring at was her husband since Chillingworth later mentions how he has a physical deformity (his shoulders). As the story goes on, he’s described to transform from a calm and peaceful old man into an evil ugly creature. Four Personality Traits: The personality trait that defines Chillingworth for a majority of the story is that he’s untrustworthy. This is proven early in the story when Hawthorne introduces his character. Almost immediately Chillingworth lies about who he is and where he’s been. Instead of telling the truth and telling the person that he’s Hester’s husband and …show more content…

Dimmesdale is never able to gather enough courage and strength within himself to face the reality he needed to and as a result his physical strength (because of his whipping and fasting) started to deteriorate along with his mental strength. In fact, a portion of his physical strength declining is due to the fact that his mental strength was weakening. One instance when his weakness is shown is right after he asks Hester to tell him who the father is and she refuses. Instead of taking initiative and telling the truth, he “drew back, with a long respiration” because he was thankful that Hester didn’t out him (64). He goes on to praise Hester for her “strength and generosity” instead of thanking her for protecting him and owning up to his actions anyway

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