Conformity can be experienced because of jealousy and fear of defeat in one’s life. In the book Ender’s Game, conflict between characters encouraged them to conform, or consider conforming. The main character “Ender” had multiple events that consisted with the struggle of conformity. This caused the character to ponder over his past and future warfares. Most people in the story were jealous of Ender at some point because of his skills or ranking within the battle school. People are kept from their full potential when they conform to worldly ideals and views. Luckily Ender did not fall into that category. The ambition to conform begins at a young age, and can grow if not kept under control. The author writes, “I’ll come home and show him that the monitor's …show more content…
People around Ender were concerned about his desire to conform, because he was their last hope. The author wrote, “He’s too malleable” (1). Ender was easily persuaded to do things, according to the International Fleet. “Too willing to submerge himself in someone else’s will,” the author wrote (1). The I.F. officials worried, because they were afraid he would help, or have compassion for the enemy. Ender was a very strong individual and did not conform, he fought through the hard times even when everyone else doubted him. It is unnecessary to push people over their limit for one’s own desire or wellbeing. Sometimes Ender was pushed too hard by the teachers, and when he finally hit his limit he stopped trying, because he was tired of conforming. Ender thought, “I don’t care anymore... You can keep your game. If you won’t even give me a chance, why should I play” (293). “I don’t care about the games anymore,” Ender said (219). They had been trying to conform him to their model commander, but he was tired of it. He thought they were just making it unfair for him, but he was actually fighting the real
After Ender’s important battle, they tell him that all of it was real and that he had actually defeated the buggers. Ender thinks to himself, “Real. Not a game. Ender’s mind was too tired to cope with it all. They weren’t just points of light in the air, they were real ships that he had fought with and real ships he had destroyed. And a real world that he had blasted into oblivion. He walked through the crowd, dodging their congratulations, ignoring their hands, their words, their rejoicing” (Card 297). When Ender realizes that they have been lying to him and using him as a weapon, he becomes angry. Ender yells at Graff and Mazer, “‘ I didn’t want to kill them all. I didn’t want to kill anybody! I’m not a killer! You didn’t want me, you bastards, you wanted Peter, but you made me do it, you tricked me into it!’” (Card 297). If Ender would have known that he would have killed people and creatures, he would not have gone to battle school in the first place. Death is very hard on Ender and he does not know how he can live with such a burden. Ender’s change in character is due to him being a victim of
Ender understands that he is being offered a spot in Battle School, but does not know that it is the beginning of isolation for him. In the beginning, Graff had already planned to take Ender with him to Battle School and in order for that to succeed; Graff had to persuade Ender that he is making his family’s life harder. “They look at you and see you as a badge of pride, because they were able to circumvent the law and have a Third. But you’re also a badge of cowardice, because they dare not go further and practice the noncompliance they still feel is right. And you’re a badge of public shame, because at every step you interfere with their efforts at assimilation into normal complying society” (23). Ender’s isolation games begin with these words.
Ender wants to finish the game because he wants to live in one of the villages of the autumn kingdom. He wants to become one of the little boys working and playing there, with nothing to kill and nothing killing him. Ender wanted to “just live”, and although he didn’t know what it meant, he wanted to do it anyway.
These people wanted to manipulate Ender’s natural character by taking him from those he loves, Forcing him to depend only on himself and not need assistance from anyone. While this learned self-reliance looks good for the I.F, Ender will break after being detached from everyone he grew close to during this book. My point is the fact that it changes the way a person behaves, this passage explains how after they completed what they wanted to do (isolate him)he became depressed. I feel that a message the author was trying to send was that no compassion for the way someone else is feeling leads to ruthlessness. The people that were talking about Ender did not care for the fact that they were making a six year old depressed, this ruthlessness changed a shy boy into a sad, lonely
In the book Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card, it starts with ender in school and being made fun of. After he beats up a bully, he goes home to deal with his brother Peter who also bullies him because Ender is a better specimen than Peter was. But what no one expected was that a representative from the military came to invite Ender to Battle School up in space. Ender accepted and went to live up in Battle School for years to come. At first, Ender was hated for being such a talented student at the age of six but was soon respected after he was able to beat all the other armies with just a bunch of little kids. Ender became the best soldier at Battle School and was moved up to Command School where he would learn to command
Ender is at school and life is normal until he gets his monitor taken out. After it is taken out, he is bullied by the class and he begins to think that he is a failure. He gets into a fight, where his strategic fighting abilities and sheer brutality gets him noticed. He ended up killing the boy he was fighting, though he is not aware of it. This part of the book is Ender’s call to adventure.
At the beginning of the novel, Ender wants to be a normal kid, so that his brother will like him and be his friend. Two government officials, who have watched Ender his whole life, are talking about Ender’s personality and say “He’s too malleable. Too willing to submerge himself
Ender has been made an easy target because he is an outcast. His character is a smart boy who is constantly being bullied for something that can't be controlled by him. “No, no, I don't want your help. I can do it on my own, you little bastard, you little third” (Card 2). Ender is described from his brother Peter not important. That Ender is just a third kid and nothing else is important. Peter calls Ender a bastard only because Ender is smarter than Peter and Peter wants to be the smart perfect child.
Ender made a choice to go to battle school because Graff talked him into going like on page 22 when Graff tells Ender “that no one wants a third”, and he was smart enough to win the war against the Buggers on page 296 when Mazer said to Ender “Ender you never played me. You never played a game since I became your enemy.”. He wanted to win the whole war not just one fight because on page 19 Ender said “knocking him down won the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too. So they’d leave me alone.” Because of the decisions Ender makes he becomes a hero and a soldier. This has to do with us because we will probably have other wars and there will be soldiers who train and fight for us much like Ender trained and fought for the world. Ender at the beginning of the book is weak and not a leader. By the middle of the book Ender was strong and almost the leader of an army. By the end of the book Ender is a hero and the leader of a
Ender illustrates how he feels like a puppet of the officials, fully controlled by them as they disregarded his opinions and forced him to participate in the games. The official’s manipulation of Ender led to his loss of
139). In the beginning no one cared about little Ender Wiggin. Ender had no friends and he also had zero respect. Now right as Ender is getting more friends, everyone is giving him so much respect. He has improved so rapidly and people are almost scared of him, which leads to Ender getting all of this new respect. He feels like there is a wall between him and his friends, because now he has to relate to them on a whole new level. At first he could talk with them and be a kid around them, and now it is like people expect him to act and be more mature . Another quote that proves my point is “Ender Wiggin crying?” (Card. 151). He can not do things without people finding out, and they put him on such a high pedestal that Ender can not do certain things without getting
Ender is not well liked from the instant he arrives at school. Right when he gets there he is instantly bullied and teamed up. Ender is liked by a few, and this is extremely rough for him. Right when he gets to battle school, Ender is bullied. The adults want to isolate him and make him a feared opponent for the other students.
Ender is using his old experiences to teach his army, which shows him intelligent. When he was practicing alone or sometimes with Petra, he learned many moves and tricks, and now when he is a commander he can use those experiences to teach his army how to play better. Ender is being smart. He is been learning from other people and when he has his army he can use those tricks, so they can be better soldiers. He is making his army strong enough, and that shows that Ender is being smart. However, Ender never knows why he has been isolated and manipulated by Graff. For example, Ender thought that if you are a leader/commander you should isolate or manipulate only one person in your army, just because they are smart. One day Ender was talking to Bean and said, “Graff had isolated me to make me struggle, to make me prove, not that I was competent, but that I am for better than everyone else. That’s what I am doing to you, Bean. I am hurting you to make you a batter soldier in every way.” (167). Ender thought that what all commanders do. They always push one soldier, so they can make him/her a good commander in future. As he is doing to Bean. Ender never knows why Graff had isolated and manipulated him. These are some reasons that makes Ender a blended character in the novel Ender’s
Ender Wiggin was a timid boy who wanted to have his brother and parents to love him. Prior to joining the Battle School, Ender did not have the belligerence that he would soon possess. He did not want to be like Peter, so
The society surrounding Ender was hostile and volatile. This is shown in the very beginning of the book when Ender is playing with