
Role Of E-Crm In Indian Banks. Prof. (Dr) Shakina Tabbsum

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Prof. (DR) Shakina Tabbsum A. Munshi
Professor & Head of Department
N .R. Vekaria Institute of Business Management Studies, Junagadh
Contact No. - 9974391187
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The Indian banking industry is transforming from its traditional transactional concept to Relationship Marketing. The tag “Customer is King” depicts that the customer is the focal point for any business scenario. The CRM concept has been implemented with the intention of better understanding of needs, requirements and trying to maintain a long term relationship with the customer. Maintaining personalized attention approach, managing database, creating customer value and appropriate retention strategies is the …show more content…

It involves integration of marketing, sales, customer service and the supply-chain functions of the organization to achieve greater efficiencies in delivering customer value. Robust technology has affected the banking industry in the past few decades.

ATMs have substituted cashier tellers, telephone represented by call centers replaced the bank branch, internet displaced the mail, credit cards and electronic cash displaced traditional cash transactions. The banking industry is now moving towards implementation of relationship banking principles. It is also experiencing the “Productivity flywheel”. Higher competition is leading to increase the productivity in banks. Higher Productivity is leading to grab the greater market share by the players. Higher market share is again leading to higher competition. Thus to have an edge over competitors, e-CRM is important in retaining the existing and to attract the potential customers. To experience customer retention, the banks should monitor the customer behavior. The front line employees can have a better understanding, a predictive future behavior and customer preferences. The database and applications helps the bank to maintain better relations with customers to continue to grow and evolve in the market.

Soumya Shreedhar (2015) states in her Research Paper that, in today’s competitive

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