Fate is discovered to be responsible for the death of Romeo and Juliet with the impulsive events it bestowed on the two lovers. The actions that led to the partners’ cruel ending was all caused by fate itself, as shown in the beginning of the love story, “a pair of star-crossed lovers,” led to this future holder foreshadow the two to, “take their lives,” resulting in a tragic closure for these young adolescents. It was set upon already that Romeo’s and Juliet’s relationship would be wrecked with disasters and serious consequences, and fate is the reason due to the fact it was the one that placed the misfortune onto the two lovers that only desired each other. With the metaphor and foreshadowing of the lovers’ deaths, it reveals fate is the cause of this catastrophic outcome as it holds the power of their destiny; giving Romeo and Juliet the melancholy love they had no ability to control. …show more content…
As the Montagues conversed with one another before the ball, Romeo felt a suspicion arise within himself with the thought, “some consequences yet hanging in the stars” (Act 1, Scene 4, 120). The predicament of a specific feeling could appear at the masquerade was brought down by fate because it displays that fate brought signals to Romeo already of his future, as there are numerous conflicts appearing after the ball, and he had no control over it. The statement shows fate is guilty because it proves fate was the one that brought Romeo and Juliet together at the ball, as Romeo went even if with the uneasiness, which then results in their love continuing. In conclusion, no specific person was the cause of the death of Romeo and Juliet because it was fate who pressed the actions onto the tale which leads to numerous
Some people may not believe that destiny is something that truthfully exists in the world. These people doubt that there is anything that is actually meant to be, or supposed to happen, thinking that there is always a way around troubling predicaments, knowing that it is not necessary to turn out just one certain way. They trust that whatever occurs in their lives comes as a result of the decisions that they make with their own free will. Others believe that whatever happens during the course of their lives is inevitable and every event is laid out before them like a road map to life, in other words, fate. William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet has fate as an exceptionally crucial element which makes fate as important as any
Fate was the fundamental factor that led to the suicides of Romeo and Juliet. It is present throughout the entire play, setting the scene for the tragic events to take place. Two scenarios which show that fate played an imperative role in Romeo and Juliet’s deaths are when Romeo read the ball invite which was addressed to someone else and when Friar John had to stop while delivering Friar Lawrence’s message resulting in Balthasar reaching Romeo first. The first scenario is seen in the text where a servant of the Capulet family
In William Shakespeare’s play, “The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet”, fate plays one of the largest roles in the plot. In order to understand how fate plays a role it is important to examine how the story begins, when Romeo meets Juliet, and when Romeo fights Tybalt after Tybalt kills Mercutio.
Fate is a hidden, but unavoidable force that leads to certain consequences in people’s lives. The theme of fate plays a crucial role in the main characters of the play, Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet share a destiny that dooms them to tragic deaths immediately after the exchange of their zealous love. Despite their resolute attempts to challenge their destiny, the lovers still succumb to the inexorable powers of fate. In the Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet, the principle of fate propels the lovers together with infatuation, tears them apart through a bitter demise, yet, ensures peace in Verona for many future generations.
When telling the tragic, but beloved story of Romeo and Juliet from one of William Shakespeare’s many plays there are several characters in the story that could possibly be held responsible for the star-crossed lovers deaths. Three of those many characters should stand out more than others to blame for the beloved main characters deaths. These three characters are the Feud, Lady Capulet, and Fate. The Feud is one choice to blame because it it the cause of many other conflicts that take place in the story. While Lady Capulet does not cause as many conflicts as the Feud she does present one main problem to Juliet by pressuring her to get married to Paris as soon as possible. Lastly Fate is used many times in the play to explain why Romeo and
Most of Shakespeare's plays are conceived around a foundation in either tragedy or comedy, this polarity of themes allowing him to experiment with the full range of human emotions. Typically, an integral part of a Shakespearean tragedy is love, which is frustrated by a breakdown in order, or the character of the hero, due to some human limitation. The play Romeo and Juliet has all these typical characteristics. However, the resultant conclusion of events for the characters in this tragedy is adversely affected by the hands of fate, and not solely the product of human limitations. Fate in fact has a decisive role in the events of the play; it is a series of rapid coincidental events, which lead to the final tragedy.
In the play, Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, is about two “star crossed” lovers who are destined to end in a tragic accident. Fate is the path that leads to the future and cannot be altered no matter the outcome. Set in Shakespearean time, fate was believed to be in control of people’s lives. The fact that Romeo and Juliet would never live a peaceful life, none of the tragedies would have not taken place if they had not met. In the prologue of the play, Shakespeare outlines that “two star’d crossed lovers take their life”. This foreshadowing creates the sense that fate shall claim superiority. The powerful nature of Romeo
In addition to reigning over their love lives, fate also causes the downfall of Romeo and Juliet. Near the end of the play, it appears Romeo and Juliet have a significant
Many people blame fate for the death of Romeo and Juliet. One reason being that Romeo and Juliet’s meeting at the party was determined by fate. However, Romeo went to the party because of love, and he wanted to see if he could find some else better than Rosaline. He saw Juliet and found a new love. Therefore, love is a stronger competitor than fate for their meeting. Moreover, another argument is that the prologue calls Romeo and Juliet “star-crossed lovers”, also known as lovers who are doomed because of outside forces (such as fate). While Romeo and Juliet may have had tough circumstances regarding their relationship, their doom was their own decision. They killed themselves in the name of love, not because of chance or
In the play of ‘Romeo and Juliet’, William Shakespeare explores the idea of fate, through the characters experiences. The play was taken place during the Elizabethan Era where the social norms were completely different to those today and the idea of fate was well and truly believed by the society. Shakespeare incorporates this concept of fate in different ways, he makes references to celestial bodies, employs premonitions and orchestrates events where Romeo and Juliet have no prior knowledge off. He introduces the two young lovers as ‘star-crossed’, which means their relationship is destined to end in tragedy and this is supported by events that occur in the play. Specific events
By foretelling the audience that Romeo and Juliet’s demises are destined because of their misfortune, Shakespeare introduces that the power of fate governs people’s lives. Immediately the dramatic irony is revealed when the reader is positioned as a god-like, omnipotent figure from the outset knowing Romeo and Juliet’s “piteous overthrows”. Shakespeare use of diction through the words “piteous overthrows” to describe the lovers’ fatal end, arouses the audience to develop a sense of pity and condolence for their mishap. By declaring the involvement of fate in the event yet to occur, Shakespeare amplifies the tension and establishes the disparity between fate and free
In Shakespeare’s iconic tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, a story of love centers around the idea that fate is at play. In a brief prologue given by the chorus, Shakespeare mentions that the main characters are ‘star crossed lovers’. Throughout the play he also references multiple times that fate could be to blame for incidents and weaves that idea through the plotline. Fate is the common culprit for the tragic events in the story of Romeo and Juliet because it is simply not a coincidence that the untimely events and the actions that lead them occurred in various points throughout the plot.
In William Shakespeare's tragic play Romeo and Juliet, there are four quotes about fate and choice. The characters in the play choose their own fate, it happens because of their choices or actions. First, in the beginning of the play Romeo and Juliet are referred to as 'a pair of star-crossed lovers' (Romeo and Juliet, Prologue). Second, Romeo explains to Mercutio how he has a dream that if he goes to the Montague party he will die, but Romeo chooses to go to the party anyway. Third, Romeo kills Tybalt right after his marriage to Juliet. Fourth, Romeo decides to commit suicide because he hears of Juliet's death.
In the book Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare, fate plays a large role in moving the plot along. It does this by bringing people together. Fate also plays a role in a couple people’s deaths, including the main characters, Romeo and Juliet.
When something goes wrong, tragedies happen without no one to blame. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, a lot of tragedies happen that caused six people to die. Two noble families from Verona have been holding grudge to each other for a long time and cause tragic results to their relatives and friends. Citizens stain their hands because of the feud that the fate cause. However, it did not stop the young star-crossed lovers from getting married and loving each other. Love and secret marriage force the young lovers to mature quickly and fate causes them to commit suicide that ended the feud. The fate is responsible for all the tragedies that happen to their relatives and friends.