Kolawole Ojo
Professor Christopher Carney
English 1301
July 22, 2015
Roles of Government Agencies in the food Manufacturing by the
Small scale farmers:
Food is needed by our body to develop, repair body tissue, cells to produce energy for day to day activities. Food is made up of vital supplements that body needed in adequate quantities. Micronutrient such as minerals and vitamins are needed in small quantities. Macronutrients such as carbohydrates, fat and protein are required in large amount. The United States Department of Agriculture has been said to have compromised their values in the food service sector. The Body cannot properly perform its functions if any of these are missing or substituted for. A huge effort has been accorded
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The regulation imposed on the small scale farmer favors the large scale farmer who could afford the terms. Efforts are not made on the genetically modified species. The slaughter house and the beef industries in the large firms have abandoned the rudiment and ethics in food processing and management. They were concerns with the profit margins they could realize in short time. Large fund were pumped into the project, unskilled laborers were employed to handle food. Science based fertilizer and cloning were the order of the day people. Expansion in the production chain brings a lot of compromise to quality and standard of the product. The use of conservative on products has caused more harm. There are more cases of obesity and chronic diseases. The Fresh milk was substituted with stepped down pasteurized milk. It is good to get rid of the dangerous germ, but pasteurization does more harm when exposed to high temperature. Most of the individual who uses fresh milk were not considered. There are great numbers of cases where local farmers were kept hostage for 6-7 hours with restriction to movement and pointing of gun at them like a criminal. When approached about the seizure and arrest they were not able to provide good evidences and in so many times their word contradict each others. Government spent so much
Due to reading “Stuffed and Starved” by Raj Patel this semester, I learned about how foods are produced and impact the world. Ever since I visited the farmer’s market in October, I became more aware of whether or not I am consuming genetically modified crops. Raj Patel revealed some of the many truths about the Green Revolution regarding genetically modified crops that influenced my choice of eating. Prior to reading the section of the book that made me aware of what I am eating, I believed that genetically modified crops were more beneficial than harmful to everyone. Not only did the genetically modified crops produce a higher yield to feed people, but the negative impact of technology outweighed its benefit. For example, Patel states, “domestic
Food is one of the most important aspects of the human body. Over time it has been proven that food is the key to survival. Food for human beings has definitely made a drastic change throughout the centuries. With that the food industry has been talked about quite a bit. We consume so much processed food to the point where we adapt unhealthy diets which causes us to develop unhealthy habits. In order to combat this we humans have taken different approaches to including buying organic produce as an alternative to conventional, going vegan, as well as just plain watching what they eat
To be able to grasp the stakeholders arguments it is important to become familiar with these concepts: genetic engineered food, industrial farming, sustainable farming, and deregulated. The first concept is genetically engineered food, which is when scientist introduces new traits or characteristics to an organism from another’s DNA. There are multiple terms used to describe genetically engineering, some of the other terms that all mean the same thing are modified living organisms and genetically modified organisms. Foods created from genetically engineered plants were introduced into our food supply in the 1990s (FDA,
In today’s political game of chess, whoever has the best strategy wins. In the last few years there has been a significant support for genetic modified crops, by the United States Government. Monsanto, which considers itself to be a friendly agriculture organization, is a company with several of its ex-employees working inside the government; maybe due to their significant influence on the government. A research about the food industry has revealed the way Monsanto has genetically modified much of the food supply, putting their consumers health in question, as well as the excessive power and control.
Genetically modified foods should be banned more than now because they are harmful for people’s health, farmers are damaged by mass production and can not help improvement of economy.
Baines utilizes the knowledge of artifacts found in the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom periods and compares them with the artifacts from the Naqada Period and Dynasty 0 in order to understand the social and political organization of the latter periods. Baines justifies the use of later artifacts as evidence for earlier periods through the examination of the representation of three aspects of sociopolitical organization in art: the early Egyptians’ view and depiction of outsiders, the themes present in the forms of display of these views, and the material expression of Egyptian hierarchy.
When dealing with food, Americans are forced to put their trust into the food industry. Although, there has been an increase of awareness, not enough, on how the industry grows food, processes, and what Americans consume. The United States is riddled with food industry immorality, obesity, and inadequate nutrition education. The government should have more control of the food industry, beyond the mandating of Nutrition Facts labels. In order to enhance the life quality of Americans, the government should partake in a more significant role with food industry regulation.
Genetically Modified Crops are a damaging thing not only to the health of it’s consumers but to the environment as well. When genes are altered and changed it goes against everything their natural state has to offer. The possibilities of this new engineered plant are endless and can essentially in one aspect lower the nutrition levels. When plants are taken out of their natural state and placed into a lab for genetic modification the levels once found in the natural plant can become lost and or not as strong. The companies who produce these genetically modified seeds are altering creation; the genes. When food is consumed, portions of that food are taken into the cells to replenish, repair, and make new cells. If those cells are surrounded by toxic substances such as the chemicals in the food, it becomes easier for the cells to take in that material as well.
For more than a century, the U.S. government has been telling people what to eat. In the beginning of the book, the author gives a history of American diets and health over the last 100 years. This is important for readers to understand how dietary advice has affected what and how people eat. In 1900, the leading causes of death were infectious diseases, nutrient deficiency, and malnutrition, especially among the poor. Government nutritionists urged people to eat more of a variety of foods in order to prevent nutritional deficiencies and related diseases. Throughout the 1900’s, housing, sanitation, and nutrition improved due to an expanding economy, which resulted in a decline in diseases caused from nutritional deficiencies. Today, the leading causes of death are chronic diseases associated with excessive or unbalanced intake of food and nutrients (p 31). Despite the tremendous advances in medicine over the years, conditions directly
The nutrients in food are something that a human cannot live without, yet so many people are deprived of a nutritious diet. Healthy eating habits are hard for many to obtain with the economy being as bad as it is. Healthy food is pricey and many low income families cannot afford the correct groceries. A healthy diet is not only costly money wise but health wise as well. Quick unhealthy meals can cause very pricey health problems. Even with assistance, finding the funds to support a nutritional diet in the United States is very difficult. Obtaining and keeping a healthy diet in the United States seams merely impossible to most citizens, with no change looking bright in the future.
Around the 19th century, Wilber Atwaters, a USDA chemist, introduced to concept “science of nutrition” (Mudry, 395). Scientific evidence began to dictate what was considered good and healthy. The introduction of this concept led the USDA to quantify the daily American meal through the release of the “recommended daily allowances, serving sizes and portions per day” (Mudry, 395). In 1917, the USDA published its first food guide which encouraged people to view food in scientific and numeric terms (Mudry 338). As globalization gradually progressed, the USDA continued to use quantitative language in regards to food until the food pyramid became a central figure in the language of nutrition as well as a symbol for common sense as it is based off of a scientized approach to eating. A key component in nutrition science which pushes the USDA to published food guides is “how ordinary foods can be used in the kinds and proportions fitted to the actual needs of the body” (Mudry
Hunger in the United States is a large problem that still affects the lives of our citizens seven years after the 2008 economic crisis. This is a problem that is still growing steadily in the lives of Americans, especially those who are living in poverty. Even though the United State’s rate of food insecure households is still far below the rates that are found in developing countries, it is still persistent problem as the issues of food insecurity move away from under nutrition and towards the quality of a persons diet. While poverty alone does not cause food insecurity, it is the main cause of being food insecure.
Farmers are using different technology for breeding. They used selective breeding to produce animals that exhibit desirable traits and they get more benefit from it. For example, using breeding techniques farmers makes cows which produce more milk with less lactose, and sheep which produce more wool. Farmers accept this new selective breeding technology because in the past, farmers would use growth hormones to promote such qualities. This became problematic when residue of the hormones remained in the meat, leaving it with a foul taste. When researchers began to clone transgenic animals, it became possible to develop certain traits in animals, which increased the quality of their yield. When a farmer would like to raise the standards of a herd, the breeding process is very slow and sometimes incomes can decrease (Wilmut 23). Many times when relying on sexual breeding alone to mass-produce these animals, there are chances of breeding out the desired traits (Freudenrich). Transgenic animal cloning will result in higher quality meats and dairies without the use of artificial hormones. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration released in January 2008 concluded “edible products from normal, healthy clones or their progeny do not appear to pose increased food consumption risks relative to comparable products from conventional animals.” After 2008, US Food and Drug Administrative agree to use
I don't use any illegal drugs, but I am opposed to the fact that marijuana is illegal. The main reason for that is that smoking marijuana is no more dangerous to the user than smoking cigarettes and no more dangerous to society than alcohol consumption. Yes, there are necessary limits to individual freedoms. Yes, marijuana should be regulated by the government and restricted from consumption by children. Yes, marijuana may be somewhat harmful to the user. But there is no logical justification for criminalizing marijuana while the use of other drugs with virtually identical risks is entirely permissible.
800 Word Essay Food, health and medical technologies have a large impact on individuals and communities today and in the future. Throughout this paper, discussion will involve the issues that society faces regarding food and health and how we can create a healthier and safer world for our future. The food industry has a large impact on individuals and will affect wider communities in the future. The rush of today’s society has pushed food production to become more commercialized with prepackaged/premade based foods. For numerous reasons such as time, work and costs of living, people are wanting meals that are cheap, fast, easy and don’t require much effort.