New members are inducted into Garner-Hayfield-Ventura High School’s chapter of National Honor Society. On Oct. 21, students were selected to be in National Honor Society during a “tapping” ceremony at the high school. Almost all of the students and staff at GHV are in attendance of the ceremony and act as onlookers. During this ceremony, students who are either juniors or seniors meeting the NHS requirements and having submitted an application wait in anticipation as current members walk around the auditorium delivering paper slips of admission. In order to be in NHS, To be eligible for membership, a student must be a junior or senior with a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 or higher. Those who meet this requirement are given a form
When I was asked to speak about service, the first thing I had to ponder was what exactly is service. In the world we live in today, there is so many different ways to serve those around you. Whether it is giving back to your school, local community, or even across borders the goal is always the same. Give a little piece of yourself for a greater good while expecting nothing in return.
East Kentwood’s National Honor Society is an organization that prides itself on helping others throughout the community, improving our schools, and fostering relationships with students. If you have been selected to take part in NHS this year, it means that you represent the top students, academically, that East Kentwood has to offer. For juniors and seniors with a 3.5 GPA or higher, we welcome and encourage you to take part in this beneficial
Service is one of the essential pillars of the National Honor Society. While a member of the National Honor Society I have participated in many projects that have changed the way I see the world. While volunteering I have met many fascinating individuals that have different stories. Stories that have influenced my future goals to help and show kindness to everyone. While volunteering at Care one I have met multiple people who always have a smile on their face no matter how bad or good their day is going. Therefore the most significant moment that has impacted me is one story in particular. During the weekend I volunteer with an elderly woman. She is kind, friendly and has the biggest smile. While volunteering with her I have learned that volunteering
Being selected as a member of Grove School’s National Honor Society would be a great honor for me because I hope to achieve my goal of exhibiting my dedication to academics, community service and extra circulars. I strive to be a role model and a resource for my peers by guiding them in the right direction. I think I could be a valuable addition to NHS because I have a strong work ethic, have a passion for helping people and not only meet but exceed all the qualifications of leadership, character, service and scholarship.
As someone who loves new people and new experiences, I am confident I would be an energetic and positive contribution to my class and community. Having gone through two knee surgeries within two years I found that positivity is an invaluable part of recovering as well as maintaining the same drive and passion as before the two injuries. The ability to be positive is a precursor to building resiliency, and is, therefore, one of the most essential traits a successful person can have. In addition to staying positive and upbeat, I also find it imperative to give back to the community in which I live, wherever that community may be. Participating in the National Honor Society instilled in me the significance of serving one's community. Helping the
Thank you for giving me a chance to join the National Honor Society (NHS) to further my current and future learning endeavors. Being nominated due to having a high grade point average opened my mind further into how important it is to follow through with learning through and beyond the school and the benefits those grades can get me, such as joining the NHS. While I am aware that school is about far more than learning for grades alone, I am overjoyed with this chance.
First, I would like to express my gratitude for being considered for entrance into the FHS Chapter of the National Honor Society. It would be a great honor to represent our school in such a prestigious organization. Should I be accepted, my main goals would be to uphold the values expected by members of the NHS, continue my community service and participation in both in school and out of school activities, and maintain the grades that I have earned throughout my education. I once again thank you for the opportunity to be considered for entrance into the NHS, and for you taking the time to review my
Although I have only been in National Honors Society since last spring, I believe I have nevertheless demonstrated the kind of commitment to the community that NHS members exemplify. Throughout high school, I have been involved in many school-related and independent charitable activities. I have participated for the past three years in the annual Feed My Starving Children food packing event at the high school, one year staying late to seal the 300,000th meal so we could reach our goal. I have volunteered for Osceola Public Library on numerous occasions, and I have also volunteered for the Books for Africa and Operation Christmas charities.
Leadership is an important character trait of National Honor Society. Last summer I had the opportunity to lead a team during the off season. At the end of the regular season, there were no captains elected. Captains are in charge of organizing events and practices when the coaches are not allowed to communicate with the team. I took on the responsibility of organizing activities. I communicated with other players and got their input for the activities. I had to reach out to incoming freshman by organizing a group message as well as emailing parents. I also made sure to keep our coach updated on how everything was going.
This allows them to be great role models for society. An NHS member must be able to lead by example. Being able to lead by example allows you to practice what you preach. It will allow one to put all there best attributes forward. They will inspire others to follow in their footsteps, the more people who are inspired and willing to help, will eventually make the world a better
Hello , im Jenna sunderland, I would love to be a part of the National Honor Society. Being considered as a candidate is a huge honor. Being conducted into NHS would be an atonishing achievement for me. This is my first year even being cinsidered in the three years ive been in Moore public Schools. Im filled with great excitement!
Being a member of the National Honor Society would mean something very important to me. It means that I will get to be apart of something that helps improves many people's lives on a daily basis. From the time I was young, I had always had this thing inside me to want to help people. It could be the smallest thing from buying can food items for the poor to spending my evenings coaching. No matter what it is or what effort it took, it always gave me the same heart felt moment, knowing I did something for the better. I want to be in National Honor Society because I want to make a difference. There are a lot of people out there who need assistance. That means there needs to be people in this world who help the ones in need and I want to be one
After the induction ceremony, I came before my mom, both of us smiling. Words were not necessary for me to know that my mom was proud of me. Being in National Honor Society was something that did not just made my parents proud, but it made me proud of myself. The honor of being in the club is not the only reason why the club is so valuable for me. It is the experience that I get form interacting and working with students from other grade levels that really inspires me. The club meetings and activities allow me to meet amazing individuals that I might have never had the opportunity to meet. National Honor Society is also a club that helps and encourages their club members to give back to the community. Some events that National Honor Society
I am deeply honored to be recognized as an eligible candidate for the National Honors Society. After learning about the National Honor Society, and what the organization represented, I knew it was something I wanted to participate in. This organization works hard to better educational opportunities for students across the nation, and that is something I would like to play a part in to further the outstanding reputation of the NHS. I believe that this is an opportunity I deserve due to my recognizable hard work. I am aware that the NHS is known for recognizing students with outstanding grades and commendable characteristics, which is something I believe I have obtained throughout my years of hard work.
In the first year, I only stayed at the information desk to fill up basic personal information form. After being familiar to the hospital procedures, I has started to answer easy questions raised from the patients. Yearly, I go to different rooms assigned by the supervisor to show caring towards people who just finished surgery. (77) National Honor Society 4/10/2017: I was selected to become a member of NHS after my form about detailing my accomplishments in and commitment to service, leadership, and character was reviewed. I taught Grade 3 students to speak English by reading books and creating small activities twice a week alone for 50 minutes.