
Role of Print Media in Conflict Resolution: a Comparative Study of Daily Dawn & Jang Newspapers Regarding the Issue of Lal Masjid

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Role Of Print Media In Conflict Resolution: A Comparative Study Of Daily Dawn & Jang Newspapers Regarding The Issue Of Lal Masjid AEMEN KHALID Session: 2006 to 2008 Supervisor: Dr. Anjum Zia DEPARTMENT OF MASS COMMUNICATION LAHORE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN UNIVERSITY LAHORE 2008 ABSTRACT This research paper investigates “ the role of Daily Dawn and Daily Jang with reference to conflict resolution in case of Lal Masjid”.The study applied a social sciences methodology using content analysis technique to analyze the data. The study generates a substantial body of initial information about the role of print media in inter-state conflicts. A total of 302 news stories from the front and back page and 32 editorials and editorial notes of two …show more content…

Young agrees that both print and electronic media contributes to conflict escalation, either directly or indirectly. He observes that media focus in many cases is selective and events such as battles or bombings receive more coverage (Young, 1991) Kamala Sarup (2003) noted that we cannot play effective role in preventing conflicts until the very nature and the root causes are understood. Even it is known that media is a vital factor for peace, democracy and a dignified human development. Media reporting on the possibilities for conflict resolution could become a useful support for non-violent problem solving. Many research studies have been conducted to observe the effect and coverage of national and international print media on readers regarding different issues. (Abid Masood Tehami, Farooq Rana & Shabana Mubasher). Findings of previous researches had made the researcher to conclude that print media plays an important role in a nation’s life. The print media have taken a long time to mature as a platform for dispassionate analysis and free expression of news and views about public life but no study has been carried out in Lahore, Pakistan regarding conflict resolution and prevention for an inter-state issue, particularly Lal Masjid prior to this study. The study addressed the questions “how much coverage both newspapers have given to the news items positively supporting the issue and

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