A fundamental shift is occurring in the world economy. We are moving progressively away from a world in which national economies were relatively isolated from each other by barriers to cross-border trade and investment - by distance, time zones, language, national differences in government regulation, culture and business systems. And we are moving toward a world in which national economies are merging into an interdependent global economic system, commonly referred to as globalization.
The electronics industry is the largest and fastest growing manufacturing industry in the world. The rapid rate of globalization is made possible by the rapid development and expansion of the Internet economy, which in turn is fueled by the
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Take for example, Boeing Company 's latest commercial jet airliner, the 777. The 777 consists of 132,500 major component parts that are produced around the world by 545 suppliers. Eight Japanese suppliers make parts for the fuselage, doors and wings; a supplier in Singapore makes the doors for the nose landing gear; three suppliers in Italy manufacture wing flaps and so on. These suppliers are the best in the world at performing their particular activity. The result of having a global web of suppliers is a better final product , which enhances the chances of Boeing winning a greater share of the total orders for aircraft than its global rivals, Airbus.
There are substantial impediments which still make it difficult for firms to achieve the optimal dispersion of their productive activities to locations around the globe. These impediments include formal and informal barriers to trade between countries, barriers to FDI, transportation costs, and issues associated with economic and political risk.
Drivers of Globalization:
1.Declining Trade and Investment Barriers -
International Trade occurs when a firm exports goods or services to consumers in another country. Foreign Direct Investment occurs when a firm invests resources in business activities outside its home country. Many of the barriers to international trade
Dicken, Peter (2011). Global shift: mapping the changing contours of the world economy. 6th ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage.
The last century has brought dramatic changes to the world. The globe has become more integrated, linking countries together economically, socially, and politically. Yet, as a result of this globalization, the world economy has become
Globalization is the process by which regional economies, societies, and cultures have become integrated through a global network by transportation, communication, and trade. Through a global lens the process of globalization seems to be vital to the development of the modern world. As a result of globalization there has been a dramatic transition in every aspect of life around the world, more specifically in areas such as trade, immigration, and human development. International trade bolsters sales, lowers the cost of production and consumption, and extends the market reach of any corporation. This is beneficial to America in that consumers are able to buy more goods and services at lower costs and therefore the gross domestic product
During the last decade of the twentieth century, the word ‘globalization’ has become an increasingly prominent feature of political, social, and economic discussion in academic and policymaking circles, as well as in the media. The processes and outcomes of globalization drew attention and debates that had one thing in common. The research shows that nearly everyone agrees that globalization is a trend that is changing the face of the world, and as a result the world society lives in a more ‘globalized’ world. Nearly two and a half decades passed since 1990s, and studies have been conducted to examine the causes and consequences of globalization. Moreover, nearly every person experiences some type of globalization and can testify firsthand the effects it has on their life, society, and the state. The analysis of the effects that globalization dynamics have on the world society indicates that globalization has a significant positive impact via spreading opportunities and wealth across nations, stimulating innovation and productivity, enhancing the economic development of poorer countries, and helping to improve living standards.
Globalization is difficult to simply define due to the variety of changing definitions that have been established over previous decades. Hamilton and Webster (2012) suggest that globalization is the connection between nations, defining globalization as a process in which barriers are reduced in order to encourage exchanges between countries. This view proposes that globalization refers very much so to the trade barriers and the improved communications between countries in order to ensure the world is unified. Globalization increases economic activity across the world and opens up markets for foreign investment.
Economic globalization has become the most important feature and a general trend of present world economic development. Globalization is a phenomenon and also a process of development of mankind and human society (Hamilton, 2008). It is the essential feature of the modern age. Globalization is the cross-border flows of capital and goods, including capital, labour, technology and natural resources (Bożyk, Misala & Puławski, 2002). Economic globalization is a historical process, and the germination of it could date back to the 16th century. After the industrial revolution, capitalist commodity economy, modern industry and transportation have been developing rapidly. The world market was fast expanded and the foreign trade was
Answer: The world economy has shifted dramatically over the past 30 years. We have been moving away from a world in which national economies were relatively self- contained entities, isolated from each other by barriers to cross- border trade and investments; by distance, time zones, and language; and by national differences in government regulation, culture, and business systems.
Global Integration “Global integration is shrinking time, shrinking space and eroding national boundaries.” (IMF & World Bank) Globalisation possibly the most important force at work at this time in history describes the process of increase integration and interdependence between national economies. It depicts the breaking down of national boundaries leading to the establishment of a single world market. This inevitable process of globalisation has and will continue to be accelerated by the electronic revolution. Advancement in telecommunications and information technology has lead to growth in cross border relationships initiated by the drivers of globalisation.
The practice of world trade amongst countries has taken over the rate of domestic production. It has led to the free flowing of money across national borders, which opens doors for companies and investors to seek for best rates for financing anywhere across the globe. Such trend is known as globalization and Cullen & Parboteeah (2008) defines globalisation as the worldwide trend of borderless and interlinked world economies, and companies no longer restrain by domestic boundaries and possibly conduct any business activities throughout the globe.
“Globalization is not just one impact of the new technologies that are reshaping the economies of the third millennium” (Thurow 19-31). When speaking of globalization, most people will not have a complete understanding as of what it actually means or what aspects of the world it affects. Globalization promotes free trade and creates jobs. The capital markets attract investors, resort cheap labor, and leads to job losses in some areas of higher wage. While all of this is happening, the world economy is being effected: economically, culturally, socially, and politically.
“Globalization is today's reality. Like it or not, the move to a world economy is a fact of life. At some point in the 1990s the process achieved critical mass and people started to sit up and take notice. Many were apprehensive.
“Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology. This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and prosperity, and on human physical well-being in societies around the world” (The State University of New York, 2014, para 1).
Although there is still not agreement on a common definition of this phenomenon, in this paper I will accept the one developed by R.M. Joshi (2009). He identifies, indeed, Economic Globalization as “the increasing economic integration and interdependence of national, regional and local economies across the world through an intensification of cross-border movement of goods, services, technologies and capital”
There has been a great deal of discussion in recent years about globalization, its impact has been both praised and criticized. Globalization is defined as the process enabling financial and investment markets to operate internationally, largely as a result of deregulation and improved communications. I believe the technological advances have had a positive impact on globalization. The use of cellular/mobile phones and the internet have allowed easier access to conduct business anywhere in the world.
The issues of globalization increasingly dominate the universe’s life. The concept of globalization according to Robertson (1992) refers to the narrowing of the world as incentives and increased our awareness of the world, namely the increasing global connections and our understanding of the connection. Globalization is a situation in which no boundaries between the people of the world and links communities in a country with people in another countries. Globalization departs from an idea to unite the nations which is expected to be a mutual agreement and guidelines for nations around the world. Globalization is able to waive the space and time constraints to get the interaction and communication between nations can be done