
Roles Responsibilities as a Teacher

Decent Essays

Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle

The Teaching/Training cycle is a model of assessment of needs, planning and review set out to guide teachers in their roles, responsibilities and boundaries.

Initial assessment and the identification of individual learners needs is a crucial part of the learning journey. The initial assessment of individual needs helps to identify both learners’ skills against national standards and further diagnostic testing can identify preferred learning styles. The analysis of results can then be used to design an individual programme of learning for the learner which underpins the success of a course and act as a benchmark from …show more content…

Adult Teaching Adult Learning (Continuing Education Press, University of Nottingham, 1997)
Hall L. and Marsh K. Professionalism, Policies and Values (University of Greenwich Press, London, 2005)

Your role/responsibility is to facilitate learning to everyone, without discrimination, gender or racial.

To work at each individuals level and to assist learning to their capabilities, ie if you have someone with dyslexia how would assist this,(find out what they needed to help with their dyslexia, pink or yellow paper, or use of a laptop). This could be assisted with a test paper at the beginning of a course (the colleges provide you with this its a generic paper). This can pinpoint who needs extra help with basic English, etc.

You are a teacher and assessor, so therefore you will be teaching the subject to the curriculum, ensuring that aims and objectives are met, to continually assess throughout the course, to give constructive feedback to the student indicating where they are not achieving and suggestions on how to achieve.

You will support each student, observing how they are coping with the work and offering assistance if needed.

To ensure that all assignments, modules are completed, set homework and mark this.

To prepare the student for practical assessments as well as theory assessments.

To guide them through essential health and safety issues.

To explain how the assessing procedure is done, ie assessor,

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