Review what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle
The Teaching/Training cycle is a model of assessment of needs, planning and review set out to guide teachers in their roles, responsibilities and boundaries.
Initial assessment and the identification of individual learners needs is a crucial part of the learning journey. The initial assessment of individual needs helps to identify both learners’ skills against national standards and further diagnostic testing can identify preferred learning styles. The analysis of results can then be used to design an individual programme of learning for the learner which underpins the success of a course and act as a benchmark from
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Adult Teaching Adult Learning (Continuing Education Press, University of Nottingham, 1997)
Hall L. and Marsh K. Professionalism, Policies and Values (University of Greenwich Press, London, 2005)
Your role/responsibility is to facilitate learning to everyone, without discrimination, gender or racial.
To work at each individuals level and to assist learning to their capabilities, ie if you have someone with dyslexia how would assist this,(find out what they needed to help with their dyslexia, pink or yellow paper, or use of a laptop). This could be assisted with a test paper at the beginning of a course (the colleges provide you with this its a generic paper). This can pinpoint who needs extra help with basic English, etc.
You are a teacher and assessor, so therefore you will be teaching the subject to the curriculum, ensuring that aims and objectives are met, to continually assess throughout the course, to give constructive feedback to the student indicating where they are not achieving and suggestions on how to achieve.
You will support each student, observing how they are coping with the work and offering assistance if needed.
To ensure that all assignments, modules are completed, set homework and mark this.
To prepare the student for practical assessments as well as theory assessments.
To guide them through essential health and safety issues.
To explain how the assessing procedure is done, ie assessor,
The boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles, including points of referral to meet the needs of learners.
Confirm achievement with the learner and plan the next assessment by returning to stage one. Identify any implications for learning, assessment and progression.
Supporting the curriculum is also one of my roles. Under the guidance of a classroom teacher I will understand the theories of learning. I will be aware of the development process in learning and any difficulties, the factors that affect pupils and how each national strategy works, including national numeracy and national literacy.
The main role of a teacher/trainer should be to teach in a way which engages learners and actively engage learning during every lesson irrespective of the environment. In my position as IT manager at Barnsley College there are roles and responsibilities that are set to facilitate personal and organisational goals the same can be said for teaching and learning. As a teacher/trainer I will need to be able to adapt my style of teaching by being a friend, counsellor, mentor to ensure that my learners are
A teacher’s role is to arrange for suitable assessment for the students to ascertain their current skills and knowledge, to identify any barriers or challenges to learning to assess learning styles and to know the boundaries to work within.
In this evidence you will need to explain your understanding of the principles and requirements of your assessment practices. 1. Explain how peer and self assessment can be used to promote effective learner involvement in the assessment process, what are the benefits of learners taking ownership and responsibility for their learning journey:It is important to involve learners
1, Explain what your main role & responsibilities are as a teacher/trainer in Education and Training (1.1)
A driving objective for a teacher is to affect students to advance their expertise in education by finding them the correct course. The teacher should promote positive motivation and inspiration by adhering to legislation and codes of practice which will increase every student’s focus in developing and bridging gaps to display eagerness towards a healthy broad mindset, creative thinking and brighter approach. A mentor should coordinate assessments which will reinforce the ability to perceive individuals’ abilities and knowledge progressions and moreover support them further to boost their learning capacity to acquire a well-established national standards skill set.
Teaching is an extremely important profession as we are responsible for training up the future generations of our community, country and in effect, the world. In order to be a successful and effective teacher there are some basic skills and competencies that one must possess. The experiences that students have inside (and outside) our classrooms, schools and various other institutes will shape and mould their approach to our subjects and to life in general. Therefore, it requires a certain level of skill and training to be deemed professionally fit to enter into this career path and even then, continuous
This unit aims to enable learners to understand the learning process and to give them the skills they need to
I also must check the pupils work, if necessary help them to catch up, encourage them to correct their own mistakes and provide them with support to learn independently. In order to do that I must develop a positive working relationship with the pupils. That can be achieved by listening to them, gaining their trust and confidence, always respecting and valuing them, knowing that children must be safe at all times.
As a teacher or trainer, there are a variety of roles and responsibilities that are important to consider. The main role of a teacher is to create a relaxed, comfortable learning environment for students to meet their learning needs. In many cases, the teacher’s role also involves delivery of
Recognising that the learner’s needs are important so gathering as much understanding of the learner is important. Gathering information of student’s knowledge/understanding through an initial assessment. Learners can have literacy, numeracy and ICT skills tests prior to being accepted on the course or during the course so that understanding of any learning needs can be determined.
It is important that you identify the needs of your learners so you can design the course to reflect individual differences. Although this is usually described as the first stage in the teaching/training cycle it is a process that may have to be deferred until you meet your learners for the first time and usually should be a continuing requirement throughout the learning journey. However, some organisations interview their learners before the course, or there may be an application process where learner needs can be identified.
This essay is to evaluate what your role, responsibilities and boundaries as a teacher would be in terms of the teaching/training cycle.