Assessment Question 1 – Roles and Responsibilities as a Teacher As in every profession, roles, responsibilities and boundaries are set in order to define the line indicating the acceptable limits. Many people think the role of a teacher is just to teach students new skills; however the role goes much further than this, it can include assessor, verifier, advisor, record keeper, course designer, working with employers and personal tutor. Within this position there are naturally a huge number of responsibilities related to each of the roles that must be undertaken. It is therefore important to be clear on what your roles and responsibilities include and what the boundaries of your role are whilst remaining professional at all times. …show more content…
All this is in line with the LLUK Standard Domain E "The role of feedback in effective evaluation and improvement of own assessment skills." I have the task of Identifying Needs. It is important that you identify the needs of your learners so you can design the course to reflect individual differences. Although this is usually described as the first stage in the teaching/training cycle it is a process that may have to be deferred until you meet your learners for the first time and usually should be a continuing requirement throughout the learning journey. However, some organisations interview their learners before the course, or there may be an application process where learner needs can be identified. The range of learner needs can be described by a variety of acronyms – one of which is SPICE: Social – | | might affect how a learner can interact with others or how they view learning especially if they have had previously bad experiences of education. | Physical – | | might affect how a learner can access learning (e.g. sensory disabilities or reduced mobility). | Intellectual– | | might affect how a learner gains new knowledge/skills. Learners may be at different academic or skill levels and take longer or shorter times to process new knowledge/skills than others in the group. | Cultural – | | might affect learner views, values and beliefs. | Emotional – | | might affect learner motivation or ability to concentrate. | In all cases
Learners’ particular literacy, language, numeracy and ICT needs can be established through initial assessment, talking to learners, observing them completing activities or using simple self assessment tests.
This form documents learner’s knowledge of educational goal areas formally taught and scheduled in the training session.
The next stage would be the planning. As the role of teacher you should value all learners individually and equally and create effective opportunities for learning. Planning will include lesson plans and schemes of work. In my role I have to provide lesson plans and SOW in these I need to think about what resources, materials and equipment are required. I also need to take into account the learning environment and if it is suitable. It is the role and responsibility of the teacher to ensure a safe learning environment. The space you teach in or course you teach may be out of your control, these are boundaries. When planning I should consider what the learning outcome will be and how I will achieve it. I must ensure the lesson content will fill the specific time allocated. Within the planning a good variety of teaching methods and learning activities should also be considered, along with any learners that have special education needs, and consider any adaptions that will assist the learner. Contingencies should be planned for, for example if I am planning a hair cutting lesson and the learners have had an incident occur prior to le lesson and are very lively/aggressive then I would not risk them being in control of scissors and would have to change the lesson imminently.
This modification will improve performance because it will allow students to develop and apply higher level thinking skills. By asking questions students are able to clarify information and correct misconceptions. When the teacher asks questions, the students have the opportunity to analyze their responses and explain their thinking.
Recognising that the learner’s needs are important so gathering as much understanding of the learner is important. Gathering information of student’s knowledge/understanding through an initial assessment. Learners can have literacy, numeracy and ICT skills tests prior to being accepted on the course or during the course so that understanding of any learning needs can be determined.
My own roles and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of learners, I need to carry out teaching and the learning cycle which consists: Identifying needs, planning learning, facilitation learning, assessing learning and quality assurance and evaluation. Identifying needs: for example, identifying learning styles like (VAK) (Neil Flaming) The learner is visual (V) or auditory (A) or maybe kinaesthetic (K) and give them appropriate information, advice and guidance. Planning learning: Preparing a scheme of
With learning done in this way, I as a person become a more effective teacher and refine my skills which, in turn, help me better teach and guide others. This, in turn, has an enhanced impact on the skills of others. More so, my information has a better chance of being accurate, I am able to generate new, and ostensibly, more
Background information: K.N, age 33, undergrad degree in psychology. Teach children with autism. Completed graduate school at Nova South Eastern University. Majored in varian exceptionality. Began teaching at William H. Turner Tech in the year 2002. In 2006, K.N began teaching at Charles D. Wyche Elementary School. K.N is currently teaching 4th graders with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Furthermore, K.N has taught for approximately 15 years. K.N’s area of expertise is reading and science.
| Some of the learners might not be confident and may talk too much about points that are not relevant before you get to the answer that’s needed.
it can also have a great impact on the teachers who has the ability to produce better learning
There would be a disadvantage to the slow learners when compared to the fast learners
Before creating and implementing a learner analysis, it is critical for any curriculum builder to first identify the characteristics that are of the most importance to the achievement and success of the different teaching or training objectives. In Heinich, Molenda, Russell and
I believe it’s important to be aware of each student’s unique learning style and what they are capable of
This common misconception could be harmful to students because it provides an excuse to their shortfalls instead of forcing them to adapt to their situation and becoming stronger because of it. As it also limits students and will create a misconception in the students brain that they aren’t good enough or smart enough, just because they have a different learning style.