
Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry Chapter 3 Summary

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Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, by Mildred D. Taylor, sets in Mississippi and starts off with Cassie and her brothers, Christopher-John, Stacey, and Little Man walking to school on their first day. Their friend Jeremy, who is white, joined them and would get beaten if he was seen walking with the Logan siblings. Though they still stick to be proud of who they are.
The first chapter is mainly focused on two important characters, Cassie and her brother, Little Man. Their parents had raised them to have self-respect, no matter if they were a different race. At the beginning of the story it is explaining how the Logan siblings feel about their first day of school. Cassie is not too thrilled about school or meeting her teacher, Miss Crocker. Although, Cassie and her classmates were shocked that they were getting books in their school this year but the …show more content…

Cassie overheard the two talking and heard her mother agree that Miss Crocker was right to punish Cassie and Little Man for disobeying the teacher. In the second chapter, the Logan family is picking cotton, while their father just came home for the weekend from work. Cassie sees her father walking towards the family along with Mr. L. T. Morrison, who had been hired to work on the farm. L. T. was fired from the railroad for getting in a fight with white men that were abusing him. Cassie and her siblings assume that he is the reason for all the burnings going on.
After going to church, the father explains to the Logan siblings that the Wallace family was behind the burnings. For that reasoning Mrs. Logan organizes a boycott for the Wallace store which causes Mr. Logan, L. T., and Stacey to get attacked by the Wallace brothers. L. T. almost breaks one of the brothers back, Mr. Logan gets shot and is left with a broken leg after a wagon falls on it, and Mrs. Logan gets fired from her position of teaching because of the

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