
Roll Of Toilet Papers

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A travesty, horrific, devastating, and downright wrong, are expressions that describe how people feel when they find themselves trapped in the bathroom next to an empty roll of toilet paper. Leading individuals to believe “everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change the toilet paper” (Quotes gram). Have you ever noticed yourself having to try and make your arms reach like "Stretch Armstrong" to grab a new roll of toilet paper, or sitting on a hard-plastic toilet seat forced to wiggle and jiggling while attempting to use your foot to try and toe yourself a new roll? Such a situation can cause a person to pause and realize how little respect we give toilet paper. We need to provide toilet paper the respect it deserves. …show more content…

We expect it to be on the dispenser in our bathrooms, and we hope that it is in the stalls of public restrooms. When we run out of toilet paper we find ourselves in quite the predicament. Is this not reason enough to appreciate and respect toilet paper? In the average home one roll of toilet paper is suggested to last up to five days. The average consumers use eight to nine sheets per bathroom visit. Each person in America uses an average of 57 sheets of toilet paper per day. Toilet paper comes in four by five square sheets, and the average household will use one hundred rolls of toilet paper a year. Toilet paper is such a valued commodity that over seven percent of Americans steal rolls from hotels, motels, and public restrooms (toilet paper history).
The white, soft, plush, double quilted toilet paper we appreciate today is not what our ancestors used years ago. History has indicated that Wealthy Romans utilized wool and rosewater, while the less fortunate were forced to use hay balls, a scraper/Gompf stick (long curved handle with a sponge on its end), corncobs, mussel shells, coconut shells, leaves, and any other miscellaneous items within reach. Individuals were also known to use rivers, streams, and lakes to clean themselves, leading to contamination and diseases infecting the water that people use for daily consumption

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