
Roman Art Research Paper

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Memories can be recorded and formed in many different ways, one of those ways can be through the power of art, art has the power to explain and preserve a moment in time. Today we are able to look back and see these memories from the start of the roman art revolution taking place during 509 B.C.E. During this time we are able to see the many developments and new techniques emerging from art. Even though at the time this was not considered art, many people today consider roman architecture to be considered works of fine art. The stories displayed in these pieces of art demonstrate how we are able to see how the roman art revolution took place. What roman art describes and means spans to a wide selection of art, most forms starting to take …show more content…

One of the new forms of art starting to take place was statues. According to Mark Cartwright, “As with the Greeks, the Romans loved to represent their gods in statues.” One of the most popular pieces made with the sculpture technique, other than their gods, was depicting their current emperor. The way they would form these would be with the material bronze or marble, and would be created with a arm raised to the masses and would be striking a authoritative stance. Another form of art that was popular at the time was pottery, this type of art became so popular that they would make whole factories dedicated to just making pottery. According to Karen Eva Carr, “ The Romans needed something to sell on the Silk Road, so they could buy things.” This thing would become pottery, this boded well for rome on the silk road, because of the new techniques being applied to pottery. The process they would do is instead of having the pottery being black they used the color red, and whilst opposed of painting on the decoration they would premade plastic molds to make the artwork, and in turn rome was able to make pottery much faster and cheaper. Many of these new styles being used translated well into the architecture being made at the

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