There are currently more than one billion Roman Catholic citizens on the planet right now. I consider myself immensely fortunate to be a part of such an extensive community of people that are together because of God. Being Catholic has opened doors for me to see the world differently than if I wasn’t Catholic. My entire life would be mismatched if I wasn’t Catholic. My faith affects many aspects of my life such as my actions and decisions. The school that I go to, the friends that I have made, and what I do on Sunday are all affected by the fact that I practice the Roman Catholic faith. Being Catholic has had a positive influence on how I live my life and how I survey the world. Being Catholic has made just about every part of my life different. The schools that I have gone to since first grade have been Catholic schools. The friends that I have made are because I am Catholic, and I also go to church almost every Sunday. The impact that my faith has had on my life is not comprehensible. Activities like praying to God and asking him for help has just become second nature because of how often I do it. In a single school day I participate in at least four different prayers. Some people look at a cross and just think of it as a shape, …show more content…
I didn’t really have a choice to be baptized into the Catholic faith. When I was young I never realized how meaningful my faith will become in my growth. When I was a kid I knew Jesus died for us on the cross, but I never understood why. Now that I’m older, I better understand the burden of Christ’s crucifixion. I now know that I must be a disciple of Christ so that he did not sacrifice himself for no reason. This is really imperative to how I live my life because the ultimate goal is to be in unity with God in heaven. If I am not going to mass, serving others in my community, or preaching the gospel, then how am I going to get accepted into
I am a christian, like most people, it establishes a basis for everything I do. Without my faith or “religion” if that's what you wanna call it, I have no clue where I would be, my life has been formed mostly by negative situations, which I carry also but that's for another time, and this has what has kept me from being a poor behaved kid, the poor behaved kid looking for answers on why life is the way it is. This has given me discipline, even when there was a limitation of people that could teach me those things. This weighs heavy volumes on me and demands a lot from me, everyday I wake up and I have to set an example and lead by example for my peers, family, and others around me. Sometimes I don't feel like leading or making the “right” choices, but what it means to be a christian is always in the back of my
I have always been in the Catholic faith and I really like it. To me Jesus is the Son of God. I also think that Jesus is amazing. He is my light, my soul, my everything, and he will always be there for me and I love him. I think he is important because he died just for us. Jesus plays a big role in my daily life. If I am having trouble in life Jesus is always there for me. He guides me to make the right choices and do the right things. He always loves me every single second
At my parish school, I am surrounded by people that share the same faith as me and help me grow in my faith. A benefit found at my school is that I am allowed to pray whenever I want and I have group prayer before class to be with God and receive the right direction for the day. At my school we pray together before school, before each class, and at the end of the school day. I have a class each day just for learning about my Catholic faith. Therefore my Catholic school is important to me because in my religion class I can ask my teacher any question about my faith. We attend Mass at least once a month at my school, we pray the rosary in school once a month, and we go to reconciliation every other month. I can participate in leading Catholic events in my school such as the rosary, morning prayer, readings at Mass, and stations of the cross. My parish school teaches us to act in the manner of true Christians such as believing Jesus died for us to go to heaven, being active in my church, praying every day, receiving religious training, and treating my neighbor as myself. Learning at school to help others, we raise money for great causes by having out of uniform days if we bring a dollar. Our fundraising has gone to local shelters and to a family that lost their home to a fire. Out of uniform day reminds me that wearing uniforms at my school, we look nice and no one judges
Well I grew up in a Catholic family with a grandmother who was very spiritual, and even had her own room with hundreds of saints, and she would pray to them for different requests. I never really understood church or many of the Bible stories. The church services were so discipline to me, and felt like a punishment because of the standing and kneeling all through out the service. I moved away with my mother and siblings and we ended up staying at this homeless shelter that was ran by a non denominational church, so part of our agreement to stay was to attend this church. I found this church to be open to anyone and everyone, and during our time their I got baptized. I enjoyed this church. From that time I never really considered myself Catholic, because I could never
My faith is a great my part of life and it is extremely important to me. Society can take away everything from me but they can’t take my faith. I wouldn’t be who I am if I wasn’t able to practice Catholicism. It drives me to be a better person and show me the way of life. I know that people from the outside might not understand it or even know about it but to me, when everything is just too much to handle I know that I can lean on my faith and it will guide
When I was six years old I accepted Christ. I grew up in a Christian home and was given a Christian education. My faith has been a big part of my life. It has gotten me through the good, the bad and the ugly. There have been dry seasons in my faith, but even in those times God has remained faithful. Each day God is teaching me something new about who He is. He is continually growing me to be more like Him.
The bible states that Christians are supposed to love and help each other at all times so I find myself always helping people in need. Also, on the political end, religion has strongly influenced which party I vote for. In my life, religion affects the way I look at life, communicate with others, spend my time, and how I act. My faith has shown me evidence of the resilience I’ve had towards the inherited oppression in my life. I am now more compassionate and have a lot more empathy towards different ethnic and racial backgrounds which has allowed me to have more humility and empathy in my social work practice and relationships.
Faith in Christ has given me a unique life filled with optimism and purpose. From a young age, I have been raised in a home where I was taught about the love of Christ. Not only at home did I learn about Christ, but at school and at church. Thus, my life has been filled with experiences that have amplified my faith. For example, when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, I found that my relationship with Christ grew. Through all of the difficult circumstances that I have faced, faith in Christ has given me the encouragement that I need to persevere through any situation. Additionally, faith has influenced my decision making, which is why I strive to make all my decisions and live my life according to faith-based principles. This means
Being a Roman Catholic is very importance to my daily life because this gives me support, comfort, and security whenever difficult situations occur. This belief helps me to cope with the trials I face by knowing that there is a supreme being up there that is in control of everything. That the God whom I know as my Father, my King, and my Savior loves me so much and will never forsake me whatever happens. Daily life gives us opportunities to grow with our spiritual
Theology will impact my life in a new way because it will challenge me to dive deeper into the word of God than just scratching the surface. Moreover, it will provide a framework that can be used to reveal God’s presence and revelation in the scriptures, as well as, the many aspects of my life. I did not study theology before, as this class is my first academic opportunity to do so. Actually, I had originally thought of theology as another term used to discuss the Bible and debate interpretations on verse or themes of the Bible. I believed it was based mostly on opinion through personal revelation. This was also a time in my life where I loosely believed that interpretations were founded from personal epiphanies of the reader. Thankfully,
Firstly, I feel that I have received a more personalized education, as Catholic schools typically have smaller class sizes than public schools. I am able to focus on my school work and my spiritual life without most of the extra distractions. By nurturing my academics, I am able to tend and be tended to by my teachers and my parents, who support me by teaching me not only school lessons, but also valuable life skills and morals.
Faith defines me: Since kindergarten I have always attended a catholic school. Going to a catholic high school influenced my decision to choose to DeSales to further my education. One of my extra electives I took at DeSales was Introduction to the Devout Life, so I could learn about the teachings of our school’s namesake. I also value praying which is something I do every night before bed, thanking God for three things that I was thankful for in my day and ask God to help me improve on one thing for the following day.
I grew up in a Catholic family and believed the teachings of the Catholic Church insofar as they agreed with my reading of the Bible. As a teenager, Jesus became real to me at summer camp; I was introduced to the Charismatic movement. While at college God began calling me to Christian leadership, culminating in my engagement to Kevin.
The world has more than one billion Catholics and with the ever growing population, it will only get larger in number. To be a Catholic means to have complete faith in God and his divine grace. Having God's divine grace means to obey it and keep it holy as it was created by God and given to his people. The religion itself is based on this and the people take it very seriously. Catholics believe that all people are of good nature but when one commits a sin it not only hurts that one person but the people and the Church.
Since the day I was born my parents took my sister and me to church ever Sunday. I grew up in a loving Christian home and was encouraged at an age where I could fully understand, to purse a relationship with Jesus. I accepted Christ into my heart when I was in the second grade and was baptized in the fourth grade at age 10. Growing up I have always been super involved in Church. I have a heart for people and love serving. Since 3rd grade until now, my senior year of high school I have been on the leadership team with my youth group. I can not imagine my life without Jesus as the center. I have been pushed to step out of my comfort zone and because of that I have grown in several different ways. For example, I am an extrovert and enjoy getting new people, but never liked public speaking as I felt nervous and intimidated. By the many adult leaders, and pastors coming along side of me and encouraging me to step of on my comfort zone I now highly enjoy speaking and spreading the truth about The Lord in big groups of people. I am so thankful for the many God loving people that have come in my life and helped stretch me. Jesus is my entire life and I am nothing without him.