
Roman Empire Pros And Cons

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Enirque Harten
Nash Adamson
World History

From a stone into a sculpture

¨I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble´-Augustus; a former emperor of ancient Rome and the first one, These words came out of the mouth of one or maybe the most important character in the ancient Rome’s History , he restored order in all of the roman empire an transformed the little empire of Rome into the gigantic and all fascinating Roman empire that the enemies feared but now is hugely interesting and leaned a lot of it intellectually and morally. But he did not make alone, he made Rome into an Empire, an empire basically consists of multiple sates or provinces etc. ,under the rule of one single supreme leader (we can …show more content…

It is sated that the Roman Empire Helped the Romans get of their crisis. In an empire there is only one person in charge( the supreme leader) so there is everything fast, decisions are made in a much faster way compared to a republic where there are multiple people with power to give their opinions and argue and debate, if that happened time would get lost and everything would get in a more negative position and the situation would get worse and worse while time passes by and the people in charge are still debating for the solution. Also in a Republic each representative would also focus in a solution that could not affect him in a negative way or in one that could affect in a positive way and therefore benefit him self instead of focusing in the good of the whole …show more content…

He also quickly won the support of the people because of multiple reasons. First of all he gave land to the legionaries/ soldiers that retired so that they could have a good life after serving the army, he also restructured the debts of a huge percentage of Rome’s debtors and also changed the form of the calendar. But after a while the senators said that he had way too much control in Rome and killed him, they stabbed him 21 times to be exact. And this event eventually lend to the fall of Rome, but that would happen in a long

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