
Roman Empire Research Paper

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The Roman Empire was the powerhouse of the world for hundreds of years, that is, until it eventually tore itself apart with simple mistakes. The Roman Empire started small in 27 BCE and met amazing growth, at its largest, the Roman Empire was over five million square kilometers. Consequently, at the cost of their quick growth, the Roman Empire fell nearly just as quick as it grew, falling in 476 AD when taken over by the German Goth Odoacer. Moreover, the Roman Empire fell because of the poor border surveillance and protection, their over reliance on slaves, and, finally, the constant change in leaders and government organization. First off, one of the main problems that led to the fall of the Roman Empire is their atrocious job of securing …show more content…

As said by 8 Reasons Why Rome Fell, “Rome’s economy depended on slaves to till its fields and work as craftsmen, and its military might had traditionally provided a fresh influx of conquered peoples to put to work. But when expansion ground to a halt in the second century, Rome’s supply of slaves and other war treasures began to dry up.” As the supply of slaves in Ancient Rome fell, the farmers started having trouble finding out how to keep up with the amount of food needed for Rome, so people were weakened due to the lack of food. Without slaves, farmers didn’t even how to do the job they were supposed to do, which was farming the animals and plants because the slaves would be the ones doing he work, so the farmers couldn’t find ways to farm better. “As the expansion of Roman Empire ceased and Roman military stopped winning conflicts against now stronger than ever foes, this supply of slaves dried up. This adversely affected the economy of Rome which was hugely dependent on slave force. This served as a crippling blow to the economy of Rome which was rocked by sharp decrease in agricultural and industrial production.” (The Fall of the Roman Empire). As told by the quote, Rome stopped gaining slaves when their society stopped growing as quick as it had been and this left an impact …show more content…

“Under Roman law you could pay someone to vote for you. So rich people could actually buy their way into the senate.” This was stated in The Problems that led to the fall of the Roman Republic. With this being said, the positions of the leaders may not have been based on skills, but because of them being paid to vote for them. In this time, people needed money, especially those who weren’t considered rich, to pay taxes, so, of course you will vote for someone if you are paid, despite how you may feel about the person you are voting for. According to The Fall of the Roman Empire, “Roman Emperor Diocletian divided the empire in eastern and western part in 285 AD. The step was taken to make the administration easier. It however, created rift between the two parts and they frequently quarreled over resources, territories and military aid.” In attempts to make ruling easier, the empire was split in half, but the remained one main leader and the half that the leader was on was usually more luxurious. The eastern and western halves were also usually in a conflict. The side with the ruler was also, usually the side with the army, so, the other half of the empire was left defenseless against any opposing threats and could

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