
Roman Ethos, Morals, And Values

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Ethos is described as “the natural disposition or moral character, an abiding quality” (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, n.d.). This description informs us that ethos is an internal characteristic, morals, and values. The Roman Ethos encompasses the family, values, as well as religion (Matthew et. al., 2014). The Romans were lackluster in the opinion of the Athenians, consequently, they were enthralled with their morals displayed through their diligence, loyalty, and sacrifice.

The values the Roman held tightly to were pietas, gravitas, constantia, and magnitudo (Matthews et. al., 2014). They each detail the internal characteristics an ideal Roman should encompass. The Romans valued their families immensely, they worked tirelessly to ensure their families were taken care of. The Roman religion was also a very important part of their daily lives, it is also linked to the family. The practice of Roman religion began in the home with the family, consequently, the Romans were known to adopt outside religions into their own. …show more content…

Each of the ethos encompasses a level of dedication that must be applied, moreover, “duty, discipline, and sacrifice characterized the ideal Roman” (Mathew et. al., 2014, p. 110). The ethos of the Roman people built a strong military as well (MacMullen et. al., 2018). The Romans were known for their unrelenting military, they never accepted defeat. The politics, as well as the military of the Romans, were built upon the values of the Roman

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