
Roman Women as Rational Human Beings Essay

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Some said that women should only stay in the house and keep quiet. Others said they should be restricted of expanding their knowledge. Was this out of fear? Or was this because men did not view women as intelligent human beings? Few people recognized how essential women really were to the society because prostitutes affected the reputation of women in Ancient Rome, but those who did recognize this believed in the opportunities that the women offered. After careful thought and consideration, women were recognized as rational human beings for three leading reasons. Their vital role in the Roman society as well as within their households, notable performances in the workforce, and their praiseworthy behaviour are all major reasons why the …show more content…

With Roman men being constantly sanctioned to their military obligations, it was up to the women to take on the man’s duties, as well as continuing to complete their own. In having little to no previous experience or knowledge in performing these duties, “in a small household, a wife’s ability to estimate the family’s usage … could mean the difference between survival and starvation.” This shows that the Roman women had to not only learn how to preform these tasks but also to execute them in a manor that would ensure their family would continue to function and thrive. Whether young or fully matured, Roman women were able to display that they performed in a vital role to Roman society as well as within their households, which proves why they there were perceived to be rational human beings. A woman participating in the workforce during ancient times was something that was unheard of. The only work that was expected of a woman in this era was the duties that were expected of her to complete within a household. The notable Roman female presence in the workforce, however is where Roman women Differed amongst other women, in the other ancient societies at the time. Their notable contribution to the workforce is reason that the Roman women were perceived to be rational human beings in Roman civilization. Roman women were given the opportunity and were able to develop the skills that were essential to

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