
Romantic Relationships In The Great Gatsby

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It is important to have the factors of romance and hope within romantic relationships. Both factors of romance and hope allow loved ones to grow and develop into something faithful and true. Without hope and or romance in most cases, relationships tend to decline overtime. These two factors determine the progress and potentially the outcome of relationships. Hope and romance are extremely valuable throughout many circumstances of relationships.
There are many different types of romantic gestures that are presented throughout literature. Romantic love allows two people to escape from the real world into their own fantasy. Romance can be used in physical, emotional, or spiritual ways. The romantic love that is used in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and in Romeo and …show more content…

Erotic love is the most common love that is used in today’s society. Harry Meserve describes erotic love in an article when saying, “It is based on deep feelings and desires that are satisfied at last in the lover’s possession of the beloved object or person” (Meserve par. 10). With this quote, Meserve describes that erotic love is self-centered and immature, which gives it limitations. You have to work in order to have a romantic relationship. Eric Lemay writes in an article about working at love and states, “You work at growing, at sharing, at supporting one another through the good times and the bad. You work to love more and be more lovable. Love is work” (Lemay par. 7). Lemay states that in order to love someone and receive love in return, you must work for it. Romantic love is worked for and presented throughout both The Great Gatsby and Romeo and Juliet. In The Great Gatsby, Nick explains, “Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay” (Fitzgerald 78). This shows that Gatsby worked to pay for a house in order to be and live near Daisy. In

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