
Rome And Greece Similarities

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Comparing and contrasting the civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome, they were similar in regards to family structure, where in both civilizations the man of the family had authority and power over his wife and all other members of his family, as well as being similar in their commonality of being ruled by political military leaders. Among other things, Greece and Rome differed in their religion once they broke away from the gods they shared, as well as the longevity of each empire.
In both Greece and Rome the social family structure was similar in that the male was the head of the family and had absolute power over the women of the family. Life in ancient Greece was quite different for men and women. While men were expected to take an …show more content…

Two leaders who made a great impact on Greece were Perciles and Alexander the Great; and two leaders who made an impact on Rome were Caeser and Augustus. As google puts in, “Pericles was arguably the most prominent and influential Greek statesman, orator and general of Athens during the Golden Age of Greece” Under his military leadership, Athenians took immense pride in their city-state, its democratic philosophy and artistic creativity. (Spodek 143)While there are many controversial views on Alexander the Great, he did immensely expand the empire of Greece and it became the largest empire known at that time. Alexander made sure he demonstrated his power to everyone, but also made many technological impacts on the Greeks such as making the language and culture of Greece known to the commercial elites all over.(Spodek 153) In Rome, Caeser was Rome’s most successful military general and led his armies on a mission to dominate Gaul and protect in from invaders. Caeser also revised the Roman calendar, reorganized Romes city-government, and extended citizenship to the peoples of many conquered providences. (Spodek 177) Augustus fought wars that stabilized the borers of the empire while ensuring peace and facilitating trade, commerce, and economic growth throughout the Mediterranean. (Spodek …show more content…

Romans often copied ideas, philosophies, and ‘trends’ from Greek life and adapted similar copies for their society. One of these copied concepts were the gods from Greek mythology, except Rome came up with slightly different gods with different names linking them to Greek legends and deities. This similarity of Greek mythology was the closest Greece and Rome got to sharing a common religion. Besides from these shared gods, Greece continued to practice mythology and cults similar to it. Rome however branched out and experienced many different religions and encountered people of many religions. Among others, Rome encountered many Jews, Muslims, and Christians. Because of these encounters, there was a massive spread of Christianity starting with the poorer classes and spreading to more powerful

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