The Shakespearean play of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ have been interrelated into two main film versions by the directors, Baz Luhrmann who adapted the 1996 version of Romeo + Juliet while Franco Zeffirelli who directed the 1968 version of the iconic play. Although they use the same original script written by Shakespeare, these two films are very different but both films look at the universal ideas of love and conflict through the setting and plot. The setting of the two films were very contrasting as Luhrmann has based his version of Romeo and Juliet at Verona Beach in America, he had his film based in the 20th century, with impressive mansions, expensive cars and fluorescent lights and guns instead of swords. While Zeffirelli set his film in a traditional
The setting of the Baz Luhrmann movie was fair Verona, although it had more of a modern day twist to it. This is evident when the cars, petrol stations, helicopters and televisions were visible throughout the movie, which does not convey the similar setting with the original play. It can also be conspicuous during the violence in the Baz Luhrmann movie when the characters shot each other with guns instead of using swords. The original play was set in the classical times that did not contain modern objects like those in the Baz Luhrmann movie. Instead of the Carlo Carlei movie sets the scene with a more olden way of presenting Verona, which resembles the original more than the Baz Luhrmann version. The Carlo Carlei version resembled more similar settings to the original play as it is shown by the costumes, swords that were used when fighting and the
Romeo and Juliet is a timeless story about two ill-fated lovers. Originally written by, Shakespeare, this story has been adapted by different directors who all commonly try to add their own unique twist to it. Two of the most prevalent adaptations of Romeo and Juliet have been done by Franco Zeffirelli and Baz Luhrmann, who have taken this love story to the big screen. Franco Zeffirelli’s movie, which was produced in 1968, is extremely authentic and stays true to Shakespeare's vision, whereas, Baz Luhrmann’s version produced in 1996, is contemporary and appeals more to younger audiences. There are various differences and a couple of similarities between Zeffirelli’s and Luhrmann’s movie versions such as the costumes, their interpretations of
In their song,“They don’t know about us”, One Direction shows the feelings of the lovers who hide their love, which share similar conflict to Romeo and Juliet. Both couple hide their love from the world and their families. In the beginning of their song, One Direction express their feelings of young couple as “People say we shouldn't be together” and “We're too young to know about forever” which is telling that young couple don’t know everything. However, in Shakespeare’s play of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet expresses her love but also understands the consequences of it. In fact, when Juliet is at the balcony, she talks to herself, being worried and questions Romeo, “O Romeo,Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?” and suggests him to “ Deny thy
Friar Lawrence: Here, this will make you sleep for 42 hours and make you appear dead.
Romeo and Juliet is a play created by a famous playwright called William Shakespeare. Baz Luhrmann adapted the play to create a modern version of Romeo and Juliet in 1996. There are many similarities and differences in how Baz Lurhmann and Shakespeare portray the relationship between Juliet and her parents. There are many times in the scene how Shakespeare uses language, structure and form to present the relationship between Juliet and her parents, while Baz Luhrmann reveals this relationship using different camera angles and diegetic and non diegetic sounds and shot types.
The father abuses the child, and the mother is also a victim. The mandatory reporting that would be made in this case is emotional and physical abuse. First, the child is abused emotionally from the drunkenness of the father and issues that happen when he comes home. The mother also lets the man back to the house even with the abuses and the child feels that this should not be the case (Stahl, 2014). The two scenarios lead to emotional torture to the child. The second is that the father physically abuses both the mother and child. The incident shows that the child had his wrist broken when defending his mother. Such action falls under the physical abuse category. Health professionals working with children and their families are often required
The Shakespeare play “Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous of all time. Because this play is so famous, there have been several Hollywood producers who have decided to recreate the play using their own styles. One of those movies was directed by Baz Luhrman and was released in 1996 and there is also a movie directed by Carlo Carlei which was released in 2013. Even though these two movies were both based on the same play, they both have very different styles in all of the aspects of the movie and also very similar styles.
Baz Luhrmann's 1996 film, Romeo + Juliet effectively appropriates the Shakespearean 16th century love tragedy. So why has Luhrmann decided to appropriate Romeo and Juliet? By changing the context, Luhrmann effectively makes the play relevant, discussing his contextual concerns of the 1990’s. This is done through the use of themes in the film, love, family disputes and hate which have remained similar to the original play, although the way they have been presented are different, in particular the form and characters. The form has had an obvious change as the original play has been adapted into a film. Characters in the film have also been appropriated to correspond with Luhrmann's contextual concerns. Hence, Luhrmann successfully appropriates the original Shakespeare play, Romeo and Juliet by maintaining similar themes, but altering the form and characterisation to fit his contextual concerns.
Zeffirelli had more of a traditional sense when he made his version, while Luhrmann was thinking more modern for his. The more traditional version has the men dressed in clothing that shows them to be in a much older time setting. They had horses, and the civilians were more around something that seemed like a market with structures that were like little shacks. They had an old bell that they rung to announce the disturbance that the families caused. They had some terraces and older looking building around. They fought with swords and fists. The modern take had the men in clothing that some people might wear now rather than long ago. They were in a city. The disturbance happened around a gas station and the men had cars in which they traveled in. The families seemed to be like rival companies and they carried guns not swords. There was roads, traffic, and helicopters. Luhrmann and Zeffirelli have takes on Romeo and Juliet that are quite different in many
In a recent press conference, Donald Trump stated “racism is evil”. How can the leader of one of the most influential countries in the world say something this hypocritical? If all racism is evil, what does that make him?
Of the two cinematic portrayals of the climax, in Act II, scene i, of Romeo & Juliet, the Luhrmann version from 1996 is superior to the Zeffirelli version. When comparing the two one can notice that there are many differences, and similarities. While these two films are telling the same story, it is the differences between the two that lead to Luhrmann’s 1996 version being superior. Due to its more dramatic settings, and character interactions and actor
“Romeo and Juliet” is the 1968 film by director Franco Zeffirelli. Set in Verona of Italy, the movie follows Shakespeare’s original script almost entirely. Its traditional props, costumes, settins and dialogue give viewers an insight of what times would’ve been like back in the 16th century.
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In Franco Zeffirelli’s 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet, is a traditional adaptation of Shakespeare’s original Romeo and Juliet, with some variations. Baz Luhrmann directed the 1996 version, also known as the MTV Romeo † Juliet. This version is very modernized, but keeps the language intact with few changes.
The play Romeo and Juliet has been recreated many times and each story changes the plot and certain feelings. The setting varies a lot in each movie, for example, the original version is in the 1400s and the Dicaprio version is in the 2000s, so a big time difference with all of them. Not only are the settings different the character can be interpreted in very different ways, like how you can compare Romeo and Tony from The original play and West Side Story, you can very easily see the difference in character development and personality. All of these movies essentially handle the same story differently but you can still easily see how they all come from Romeo and Juliet.