Confucius, a Chinese philosopher once said, “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves” (Wanderlust) The characterization of Romeo and Juliet relate to this quote as their hasty actions result in the damage to themselves and others. This quote by Confucius helps to reinforce the idea represented by adolescents in the play. Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy fiction play written around 1595 in the Elizabethan time period. The setting of the play is in Verona Italy also known as the city of love. The main characters are the teenagers Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, both children live in different houses and their families hate each other. The star crossed lovers met one night at the capulet's party that Romeo managed to
“In each of us, two natures are… the good and the evil” This quote by Robert Louis Stevenson means we all have a good and a bad side. Romeo Montague, the lead male character in this story, is brave which is one of his positive traits. However, he is also indecisive which is one of his negative trait. Another character in this story is a swordsman named Mercutio. He is Quick witted which is a positive personality trait, but he is very witty which could be a negative trait.
Tybalt, a committed Capulet, always showing superior towards Montagues, is the perfect example of personification of hate in Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt plays an important character in Romeo and Juliet because of his aggressive and arrogant personality which causes major conflicts and catastrophes.
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy. Two young persons, Romeo and Juliet are the main characters. Romeo and Juliet are attracted to each other by an accustomed feast of the Capulets, and they marry. However, there is a deep-rooted feud between Romeo and Juliet’s families, the house of Montague and the house of Capulet. Juliet also has a problem with a marriage to Paris which Capulet pushes her for.
All teenagers have stupid ideas, especially in the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. In the play, two star crossed lovers meet, but there is a long standing family feud between the two. Romeo and Juliet eventually meet and fall in love despite the families hating each other. Fate and folly are major contributing factors, but it is feud that is most to blame for the star crossed lovers death.
Juliet is a strong character in this book. She has the aspects of independence, determination, and love. Juliet represents these qualities in everything she does throughout the book. She shows very good character in the words she says. These next four paragraphs will go into more detail of these characteristics.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare circa 1595. The play consists of two love-struck protagonists who become star-crossed due to belonging to two rival families who are constantly at each other’s throats. It begins with the prologue which states that the play will finish with a double suicide between Romeo and Juliet. This causes the whole play to be dramatically ironic as we, the readers, know the fate
Capulet is the second character that is responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Capulet is responsible for their deaths because Capulet rushes Juliet’s marriage with Paris. Capulet wasn’t always in a rush with Juliet’s marriage. In Act I Capulet wanted Paris to wait a couple of years to marry Juliet, but Juliet didn’t want to marry Paris. She loved and married Romeo instead. In Act 3, Romeo killed Tybalt and caused Romeo’s banishment, causing Juliet to cry about Romeo’s banishment. Therefore, Capulet thought Juliet was crying about Tybalt, Capulet told Paris, “Things have fall’n out, sir, so unluckily, That we have had had no time to move our daughter; Look you, she loved her kinsman Tybalt dearly… Tis very late, she’ll not come to-night…” (3.5) Capulet doesn’t know about Juliet being married Romeo.
“O, I am fortune’s fool!” (Rom. 3.1.14). Romeo says this line in shock as he realizes that he killed Tybalt. In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, star crossed lovers are faced with the hardest challenge in life, and fate is not on their side. Fate is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, he once wrote, “Within the infant rind of this weak flower Poison hath residence and medicine power: For this, being smelt, with that part cheers each part; Being tasted, stays all senses with the heart. Two such opposed kings encamp them still In man as well as herbs-grace and rude will; And where the worser is predominant, Full soon the canker death eats up that plant,”(2.3.23-31). This was written from the Friar Lawrence’s point of view for Romeo and Juliet, and the meaning behind this quote can be applied in the book, Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
Paragraph 1: Argument + Reason Topic Sentence: In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the actions of the characters are not only determined by fate, but also by human factor. Explanation: Romeo and Juliet’s characters in the story continue to make avoidable decisions thinking they were doing the right, but soon to find out it was the wrong. Romeo’s impulsive behaviour is responsible for most of the carnage in the play. His pursuit of Juliet, his marriage to her, his involvement in street fights and his impulsive suicide, is very much a part of the tragedy.
The word love is significant in the novel as Clay and Hannah loved each other but was too afraid to show it. “That truth first came to light a few weeks ago, at a party, with Hannah directly in front of me. An amazing moment when everything seemed to be falling into place.” (pg.180) When Clay and Hannah meet at the party, they connected and talked. But, it was then Hannah pushed him away as she was reminded by Justin’s actions and betrayal.
A classic love story Romeo and Juliet, tells the tale of two star-crossed lovers who do not live happily ever after. However, true love must first be understood in order to fully grasp the complexity, mystery, and passion involved in the play... "If he be marrièd, / my grave is like to be my wedding bed," Juliet says before she learns Romeo 's identity (Shakespeare I.v.148-149). This tragedy, written by William Shakespeare, takes place in the Renaissance era, the setting is Verona and Mantua, which are northern cities in Italy. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic dramatic play written in English in London, mid-1590’s. Throughout the play, monologues and soliloquies develop Juliet Capulet’s tone as indecisive, passionate, and violent which strengthens her immense love for Romeo so she can defy her family and accomplish the impossible to be with her lover. (III.ii.144).
In the drama of The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Lord and Lady Capulet’s fatal flaw of selfishness aids in causing the ending tragedies. This is due to their selfish actions towards Juliet and then the resulting consequences. When Lady Capulet announces to Juliet that she will marry Paris, a man she does not love, Juliet refuses by saying “Not proud you have, but thankful that you have./Proud can I never be of what I hate, /But thankful even for hate that is meant love” (III. v. 164-166). By Juliet simply stating that she doesn’t wish to marry Paris, Lord Capulet is infuriated. He shouts at her: “ To go with Paris to Saint Peter’s church,/ Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither” (III. v. 173-174). By yelling at Juliet for her own decision in the marriage matter, the Capulets’
Romeo and Juliet one the most famous stories about love by William Shakespeare. Romeo and juliet were a pair of star crossed lovers who were destined to take their lives, for the sake that it will end a feud between their two families. Romeo’s family were the montagues and Juliet’s family were the capulets. If Romeo and juliet wouldn’t of killed themselves for the feud, they wouldn’t of been of happy together. Romeo was so quick to act in every situation, so he couldn’t really control his emotions. Both of them barely knew each other , and they only knew each other for four days and only loved each other for beauty. I don’t even think Romeo and Juliet truly even loved each other.
Romeo and Juliet is one of the most tragic and depressing stories ever told. If you take the story from a different perspective and really think through some of the choices that were made leading up to their death you would see that Romeo and Juliet made some foolish decisions that caused their deaths. Foolishness is at fault for the death of Romeo and Juliet because he went to the Capulet party and kissed Juliet, after the party he went to Juliet’s balcony and talked to her until the morning, and he also took Juliet’s virginity.