When Good Intentions Go Bad, To Worse Unfortunate events, rivalry, death, deceiving, and love are all words that can describe Shakespeare’s The Tragedy Of Romeo and Juliet. Juliet, one the main characters has an unfortunate ending resulting with her committing suicide. Juliet who wants to be given help by her father and Friar Laurence are two characters plausible in her death. Throughout William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, the playwright exemplifies the theme of even well-intended deceptions can be destructive as demonstrated by the actions and decisions of Friar Laurence and Lord Capulet. In act two, scene three, the Friar agrees with Romeo to marry him and Juliet not knowing this will begin the root of their problems. “In one respect …show more content…
Juliet not knowing what to do tells her parents that she will not marry Paris causing a fight between them leading Lord Capulet in act three, scene five to say to her, “ How, how, how, how, choplogic? What is this? “Proud”-and “I thank you”-and “ I thank you not” - And yet “not proud”? Mistress minion you, Thank me not thankings, nor proud me no prouds, But fettle your fine joints ’gainst Thursday next To go with Paris to Saint Peter’s Church, Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither. Out, you green-sickness carrion! out , you baggage! You tallow-face (Shakespeare Lines 149-157)! Lord Capulet is insulting Juliet by calling her a coward, a dead piece of flesh,and spoiled. He threatens her by saying that if she doesn’t prepare herself for her wedding or he’ll drag her there in a cart for criminals. With marrying Romeo and Juliet without consent from either of their parents to talking down on Juliet, Lord Capulet and Friar Laurence has placed Juliet in situations she can’t handle and appears to have no escape
In Act IV of Romeo and Juliet, things start looking up for Juliet as Friar Lawrence gives her a potion to fake her death so she will able to escape with Romeo. Hurrying to the Friar’s cell to seek help, Friar Laurence tells Juliet to plead for forgiveness and she would drink a poison that will fake her death for 42 hours. Leaving Friar’s cell Juliet hurries home to plead for forgiveness and that she will agree to Paris’ marriage. After being forgiven Juliet is starting to have doubts about the potion, but drinks it anyways. Going on at the same time, the Capulet family is preparing for the wedding in the morning. In the morning, the Nurse discovers Juliet’s “dead” body and everyone is confused and saddened at the sight of their child
In William Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet, we meet the characters and how their actions led to a tragedy. Romeo and Juliet met, end up falling in love, and – since both cannot dream of living without the other – take their lives. While the play ends in a tragic death for both characters, it was their own reckless decisions; though others might believe that it was destiny that played a large role in the lovers’ downfall. However, the majority of the text evidence points to them making their own choices leading to their demise.
Lady Capulet doesn’t want to force Juliet into marriage too soon even though she knows its unavoidable.
Not every person is what they appear to be when you first meet them. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, a play written by William Shakespeare, beholds a tragic love story and a feud between two families. During the time period in which the play took place, marriages were not an act of love, but rather parents typically would choose the right husband for their daughter. However, as the head of the Capulet household, Lord Capulet, has different intentions on marriage for his daughter, Juliet.
In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, many characters meet their tragic end as a result of a plethora of factors, from old rivalries to new love. It is a tragic story of two lovers, destined to complete each other, but also to end a bitter feud through their deaths (Prologue.3-6). However, if the blame had to be ascribed to one person in particular, that person would be Romeo Montague. Throughout the play, Shakespeare showcases Romeo’s irrationality and poor decision making, leading to the gruesome deaths of his loved ones. Romeo is most to blame for the tragic slew of deaths because he is oblivious, quick to act, and too urgent in his relationship.
The phrase “Unworthy as she is” shows how angry Lord Capulet is at Juliet. After saying this, Lord Capulet shows Juliet just how angry he can get with her about her decision. Lord Capulet has very unstable emotions, where he can go from being calm at one moment to being furious the next second. Another example where the words of Lord Capulet has affected the people around him is when he screams at Juliet for her decision about marriage. After Lord Capulet tells Juliet how her decision about Paris’ marriage proposal is wrong, Juliet insists that her decision is the right choice.
Another great example of chaos in this play when Romeo and Juliet are married and Lady Capulet tells the “great” news to Juliet that she will be marrying Paris early Thursday morn at which she is not proud of and does not want to marry Paris even though the father rules the family, so as a result Juliet’s heart was not considered here's to give. Although Juliet does not want to marry Paris, she and Friar Laurence made a plan that she will agree to get married and will “die” from a drink, then wake up in the chapel with Romeo’s lips on hers and run far away with her Romeo. However, the result of the plan did not work the way Juliet and the friar expected. When Romeo goes to Juliet’s chapel and found her ‘dead’, he poisons himself because he
Lad Capulet= Carelessness In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Lady Capulet showcases that; she plays as a carless character throughout the play. Firstly, Juliet tries to explain how she does not want to marry Paris, “ O sweet my mother, cast me not away! Delay this marriage for a month, a week, or if you do not, make the bridal bed. In that dim monument where Tybalt lies.”
Meanwhile, throughout the whole of this argument, lord Capulet is throwing insult after insult at Juliet, names like “green sickness carrion” and “tallow face”, which mean, “green sick dead meat” and “pale, ugly, death like face”. These are really powerful insults to be calling your daughter and they just emphasise the level of anger that Lord Capulet is in.
In Romeo and Juliet, there were some tragedy things written by William Shakespeare. The Shakespeare play tells the story of two love birds that couldn’t be together and end up being killed. Romeo and Juliet knew they couldn’t be together but they kept trying throughout the play leading to a bad thing. The unfortunate and untimely death of Romeo and Juliet was untimely cause by Juliet.
He threatens to disown Juliet if she refuses Paris; ‘hang, beg, starve, die in the streets,/For, by my soul I’ll ne’er acknowledge thee,’ before he finally storms out. Tearfully distraught, Juliet begs her mother to: ‘delay this marriage for a month, a week…’, but Lady Capulet remains unmoved, declaring: ‘I have done with thee.’
Romantic love stories are often ended with a tragedy, because of loss of passion or a loved one. These tragedies are often the result of one person’s actions that ended someone’s life or love. In the Romeo and Juliet play written by William Shakespeare, two citizens of Verona come together and fall deeply in love. Unfortunately their love comes to an end, along with their lives, because of a misunderstanding and a persistent feud between their families. Although there are many characters in this play that have contributed to Romeo and Juliet’s death, Friar Laurence is the person most to blame.
“Never attempt to win by force what can be won by deception.” ― Niccolò Machiavelli. The term deception takes a part in betraying another for one’s self interest. It was a key element within Shakespeare’s work. Romeo and Juliet is one of the prime examples of this topic. They showed deception very clearly by hiding their actions and betraying their families, leading to their tragic ending. However, it was not the only piece Shakespeare wrote that showed the multiple consequences caused by an act of betrayal. The power of deception and the consequences that follow is a staple in literature, and no one shows this idea more clearly than Shakespeare.
The mood of the scene turns into conflict and anger. Lord Capulet mocks Juliet saying that she is a minion or worthless girl. He repeats the words thanks' and proud' to show his anger. He tells Juliet to get ready for St. Peter's church regardless and if she doesn't he will drag her on a hurdle (a frame in which prisoners were taken to execution.) to the church.
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet discusses the many challenges the ‘star crossed lovers’ face. It is their own deceptive actions that ultimately lead them to their untimely end. However Romeo and Juliet are forced to be deceptive due to their fate and misfortune, the ongoing feud in Verona, and the misleading guidance they receive from others; which also contribute to their deaths. Romeo and Juliet focuses on the theme of love and hate, this theme is interweaved throughout the play.