
Romeo And Juliet Decisions Essay

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The idea of destiny taking a part in the death or Romeo and Juliet has been around for a long time. They meet, fall in love, and eventually die. While these event are tragic it wasn’t meant to happen this way. Romeo and Juliet were not victims of destiny, but victims of their own hasty decisions. The play starts in the city of Verona. A town divided by two royal houses, the Montagues and the capulets. The swordsman of these two houses are fighting in the streets of Verona (Shakespeare page 377-382). In the midst of this Romeo sneaks into a party at the capulets and sees Juliet for the first time in the play. They instantly fall in love and want to get married. They know that their families will never accept it, but they will do anything …show more content…

While at Friar Lawrences cell getting married he gives them advice and says “wisely and slow. They stumble that run fast”(Shakespeare page 411). He’s saying those that go too fast will crumble and fall eventually. This advice is crucial in showing that this decision was rushed and shouldn’t have happened. The only reason he’s doing this is because he. Believes that it will bed the family feud. Another example of a bad choice the couple made was when Romeo goes to the capulets tomb to see Juliet thinking she is dead. This is a bad choice that eventually leads to the death of Paris, Juliet’s supposed to be husband, and the death of Romeo himself. Before Romeo drinks the poison to kill himself he says “come, bitter conduct; come, unsavory guide!”(Shakespeare page 473) This shows how impulsive Romeos decision was. Killing himself was never the answer. This play is full of lines that hint at destiny and fate. It’s even said in the prologue that they are “star crossed.” Though destiny may seem logical to the outcome at some points, It wasn’t. Romeo didn’t have to go into the party to meet her or marry her. These were all his choices that point towards the slow falling of their relationship and eventually their

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