
Romeo And Juliet Parody

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Romeo and Juliet is one of the most well-known plays today. For many years now, playwrights, authors, and screenwriters have all been reviving and adapting the famous tragedy with modern twists: West Side Story, YOLO Juliet, Romeo + Juliet starring Leonardo DiCaprio, and the even lesser known West Bank Story, just to name a few. All of these stories take elements from Romeo and Juliet but keep relatively similar plots. But is this form of parody effective? Or does simply tweaking a few aspects of the story, like West Bank Story did, change the overall meaning of the work? By looking at some of the changes that West Bank Story made— adding a modern setting and conflict, turning the play into a comedy, adding in musical elements, and changing …show more content…

Excluding the obvious change from Early Modern English to Modern English, some of the alterations made in West Bank Story include the rivaling families being owners of two restaurants traditional to the owners’ respective cultures, and emphasizing a modern day conflict with the two rivals consisting of Jewish and Palestinian members. These plot changes do not, however, diminish the overall message of the musical, which is that rivals should set aside their differences before they lose what’s most important to them. In fact, these changes enhance the message. Modern-day audiences may have a fascination with the world of Lords and Ladies, but very few can relate. By changing the setting from Verona to restaurants, the audience changes a sense of relatability. When audiences relate to the story, they are more likely to understand the message being sent. Therefore by changing the setting of the story, West Bank Story’s reinforces the idea of settling rivalries and proves just as effective as its …show more content…

However, West Bank Story is a comedy. These two genres are regarded as opposites, set apart from one another. Shakespeare employs the drama of losing two young lovers to emphasis his message, so is the message still effective as a comedy? In this context, the moral of West Bank Story has more of an impact as a comedy as opposed to if it were exclusively tragic. By juxtaposing a serious issue (Jewish/Palestinian conflict) with humor, the fight between the two families almost seems petty. When an individual watches West Bank Story, they are intrigued over the mindless bickering of two restaurant owning fathers and can laugh at the idea that a girl cannot date a boy simply because his dad runs a different falafel stand. The issue, when put into comedic format, seems so simple and so easily resolved that it is almost ridiculous that it is a problem in the first place. An important message in the musical is to settle differences before they get out of hand, and by making the differences seem silly, West Bank Story effectively emphasizes that

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