
Romeo And Juliet: Should Parents Have A Say?

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Should Parents Have a Say? The debate on whether parents get a say in who their child dates, has been around for a long time. I think that while parents can and should set ground rules, they should not be able to control who their kids date. Stories like Romeo and Juliet and brain research show examples on how the teenage brain works and the consequences that may occur when parents do not listen. Romeo and Juliet is a story, written by William Shakespeare around 1594-1596, about two young teeneagers that fall into a forbidden love with each other. Since their parents are caught up in a feud, Romeo and Juliet are forced to keep their love secret in fear of their parents wrath. A story written so long ago is still relevant today. Teenagers still feel like they have to keep their relationships private because their parents would not approve. In the story, Juliet’s father forced Juliet to marry a man she did not love and when she expressed her feelings, he ignored them. This lead to Romeo and Juliet ending their lives tragically because they just wanted to be together, without living in secret. Most teenagers are stubborn and will do what makes them happy and what they think is the best thing for them. …show more content…

Studies from National Geographic show that by 15, you can make decisions just as well as adults about 70 to 80 percent of the time(Dobbs). This shows that teenagers are fully capable of making decisions for themselves, without the input of adults.The study also shows that “14-17 year olds- the biggest risk takers-use the same basic cognitive strategies that adults do, and they usually reason through their problems just as well as adults do.”(Dobbs). Again, this supports that teens can fully understand the choices they have and know how to work through them like an adult

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