Should Parents Have a Say? The debate on whether parents get a say in who their child dates, has been around for a long time. I think that while parents can and should set ground rules, they should not be able to control who their kids date. Stories like Romeo and Juliet and brain research show examples on how the teenage brain works and the consequences that may occur when parents do not listen. Romeo and Juliet is a story, written by William Shakespeare around 1594-1596, about two young teeneagers that fall into a forbidden love with each other. Since their parents are caught up in a feud, Romeo and Juliet are forced to keep their love secret in fear of their parents wrath. A story written so long ago is still relevant today. Teenagers still feel like they have to keep their relationships private because their parents would not approve. In the story, Juliet’s father forced Juliet to marry a man she did not love and when she expressed her feelings, he ignored them. This lead to Romeo and Juliet ending their lives tragically because they just wanted to be together, without living in secret. Most teenagers are stubborn and will do what makes them happy and what they think is the best thing for them. …show more content…
Studies from National Geographic show that by 15, you can make decisions just as well as adults about 70 to 80 percent of the time(Dobbs). This shows that teenagers are fully capable of making decisions for themselves, without the input of adults.The study also shows that “14-17 year olds- the biggest risk takers-use the same basic cognitive strategies that adults do, and they usually reason through their problems just as well as adults do.”(Dobbs). Again, this supports that teens can fully understand the choices they have and know how to work through them like an adult
Relationships between teenagers and their parents are rarely boring. Since teenagers begin to think and act independently, conflict arises between them more frequently. This is not just a modern occurrence; in William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Juliet and her parents have very different points of view. In the play, she marries a man who is a member of a rival family without discussing it with her parents, which eventually leads to her demise because of the conflict that arises. She does not have much interaction with her parents throughout the play, but the miniscule amount shows the differing of opinions immensely. Juliet’s limited interactions with her parents in the play show that she has a rebellious relationship
This story shows how two teenagers, fail to sneak around behind their parents' backs, to start their relationship. Romeo and Juliet is a love story with a tragic ending. Two teens, who are supposedly "enemies," want to flee and get married behind their parents' backs. The couple goes through drastic challenges to be together, like getting married, planning to run away, and even faking a death just so they can be together. But in the end both the lovers die, and they don't get their happily ever after.
Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is a tragic play about the lives of two teenagers. Romeo and Juliet meet, speak, fall in love and quickly decide to marry. The marriage remains a secret because there families are locked in a feud. As the play progresses Romeo and Juliet as well as the other characters keep secrets that impact others. These lies, which are often actions made in rashness, carry terrible consequences.
‘Romeo and Juliet’ is a dark love story written by no other than William Shakespeare. It’s about two star-crossed lover from the two rival families in the City of Verona, Romeo and Juliet fall in love at the Capulet's feast. They may have been madly in love which caused deaths but before they died many people would agree that Romeo wasn’t the best friend in the city of Verona.
The play, Romeo and Juliet, was written by William Shakespeare in the late 1500's. Romeo and Juliet is a classic of two star-crossed lovers. They come from two feuding families and their love ends tragically. The two teens fell in love and got secretly married without anyone knowing about it. All of the deaths in this tragedy could have been drastically avoided if it weren't for the impulsive actions, feuding families, and miscommunication/misunderstanding.
The play, Romeo and Juliet, is a tragic love story written by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet are two young teenagers that are from two different households, the Capulets and Montagues. The two families have an ancient grudge against each other devastating Romeo and Juliet. Defying their families they fall in love and marry with the help of Friar lawrence. After many unfortunate events occur they end up killing themselves over each other’s deaths. They could not live without each other. Friar Lawrence and timing were most at fault for Romeo and Juliet’s death.
Romeo and Juliet is the tragic story of two young lovers, longing to be together but kept apart by their families. They prove their love for each other by going behind their parents' backs to meet, to be together and to be married before meeting an untimely death. Deciding who is ultimately responsible for their tragic end can be difficult as there are so many people who play a significant role in their lives and who have an influence on how the play unfolds.
The play, Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is about two teenagers who danced together and fell in love at a masquerade ball hosted by Juliet's father, Lord Capulet. Both Capulets and Montagues family had a deep hatred for each other, this led to Romeo and Juliet having to hide their relationship from their parents. The two decided that they were going to get married in secret, but Romeo ended up getting banished from Verona. Lord Capulet decided that he would let another man named Paris, who was a prince, marry Juliet. Lord Capulet did not know about her marriage to Romeo.
Should parents decide who we marry? This question is addressed in the book, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Romeo and Juliet is about true love. Their families are enemies but Romeo and Juliet find love. Juliet's family wants her to marry another suitor, Paris, for basically their benefit.
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy play written by Shakespeare. It is set in Verona, Italy during the 13th century, two noble families are feuding and two young lovers, one from each family fall in love. Romeo and Juliet have to keep their love a secret due to the ongoing war between their families. This suggests that their relationship with their parents is not one of trust. Relationships between children and parents then and now are very different because today parents are much closer to their children emotionally however in the time the play was set in the parents and children were distant from each other, this may be because nowadays parents are the prime carers but then people would
Due to the love the two teenagers had for each other, their parents did not like the idea of them together at all. They put pressure on the children into seeing other people, forgetting each other, and moving on. If the kids did not have to hide their love for each other from the family, there would be a chance they would have lasted in life before their resting day. The parents gave pressure to them so much that even Friar Lawrence was helping them plan an escape to go live off happy as they planned to. In my opinion, parents should pay more attention and take in what their child feels to because at the end of it not all you can live their life when they are gone. Romeo and Juliet’s parents seemed like they wanted their children to be perfect which caused them even more problems with each other. If you never learn from your mistakes, you would know anything at all and I strongly believe that after the story was over Romeo and Juliet was the leading people to their own children’s
Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Essay In your life, who affects your personality and decision making the most, your parents or your peers? In the play, Romeo & Juliet, two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, were restricted from seeing together because both of their families were feuding with each other. Since they could not be together, they were forced to keep their relationship a secret, relying heavily on their peers for help because their parents would disapprove of the relationship.
Tragic accidents occurred in a world where two young teenagers met and fell in love. Many viewers have seen the story of Romeo and Juliet and numerous people have heard of it. Most of them do not know that the love story of Romeo and Juliet is very tragic and disastrous. Juliet’s parents are to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because they were unconcerned, controlling, and resenting of Juliet.
Parents choices clearly affect their children's choices, but to what extent does it effect the kids choices? When your parents fight then you are depressed for the next day or angry in a way. If your parents stressed you out so much that you ended up committing suicide because of a grudge they had that wouldn’t allow you to be with the love of your life. A scenario like this happens in the play Romeo and Juliet when Romeo Montague’s parents hated the Capulets and don’t want a thing to do with them when their daughter turns out to be the love of his life. Parents don’t always make the wisest choices and when it affects their teenagers love it can destroy everything.
In William Shakespeare's most famous play, Romeo and Juliet, two teenagers who fall deeply in love find that their parents' acceptance does not come easy and suffer tremendously. Romeo and Juliet's love is constantly challenged by the rivalry,