
Romeo And Juliet Socratic Circle Essay

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In preparation for today’s Socratic circle, I decided that I Capulet and Lady Capulet were the reasons for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Their feud with the Montagues made it so Juliet and Romeo could not be together. By pushing up the wedding of Paris and Juliet, a plan had to be made to keep Romeo and Juliet together, and this resulted in their deaths. Through this Socratic circle, many new and original ideas were brought up that I had not thought of. These points caused me to question my own beliefs of who or what caused Romeo and Juliet’s demise.
During our Socratic circle, the theme of impulsive actions was brought up by Randev. This made me look at the cause of Romeo and Juliet's death in a whole new way. Instead of a character being to blame, there was a theme which could incorporate many other …show more content…

Even some of the smaller characters acted impulsively which lead to the deaths. Someone in the circle said that Tybalt was acting impulsively by starting a fight with Romeo. Randev brought up how the impulsive thinking of Tybalt, Mercutio, and Romeo caused fights between the families. In the circle, we also noticed how these impulsive characters tended to be young, and so the connection was made that younger people tend to be more impulsive. Romeo and Juliet were impulsive to get married very quickly and were impulsive to take their lives. I think that because they were so young they did act on impulse and didn’t consider all of the consequences. Even though we said the younger people of the play were acting impulsively, so were some of the older characters. Cam said how Capulet acted impulsively to push up Juliet's and Paris’s wedding. Even though he did not know exactly what Juliet wanted, he acted hastily to marry Juliet because he thought that a wedding would make her cheer up after Tybalt's death. Friar also acted abruptly when formulating a plan to

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