Romeo and Juliet: Nurse
Thesis: In William Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet”, Nurse causes problems due to dishonesty; however, she is victimized when other characters take advantage of her.
The Nurse is taken advantage of in many parts of the story. Juliet takes advantage of their relationship when she wants the Nurse to go out and talk to Romeo about the marriage. (Act 2, Sc. 4) This proves that she is a victim but she is also Juliet’s servant. Although no matter what Juliet should be kind and not make Nurse do all of her work for her. Mercutio is very rude to the Nurse in this Act making her very angry due to name calling and other harassment. He treats Nurse like she isn’t even human, he is extremely rude and stuck up. (Act 2
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Yet, she does not and keeps yet another secret from Lord and Lady Capulet. She is very dishonest and is perfectly punishable for the situation in my opinion, if the family is to find out. She keeps multiple secrets from the Capulet’s which is unruly saying that they are her employer. She is payed to tell them these things, yet she hides them away because of her relationship with Juliet. She lies to Juliet about Romeo’s death in Act three scene two. She tells Juliet that she has seen him dead with her own eyes. That makes Juliet very sad so it is mean on Nurse’s part making her villainous. In Act two scene six, Romeo and Juliet become husband and wife. Friar Lawrence marries them and the only other person to know is Nurse. Behind the Capulet’s back she knows about the marriage between Romeo and Juliet. This act speaks for itself, you must tell the parents, yet Nurse does not.
In the end the Nurse in my opinion is a villain. She is more of a trouble maker than a peacemaker. She needs to be more honest to the Capulet’s and more helpful. She is a good person but needs to work towards helping the people she
The Nurse is blabbing her mouth, again, but due to her nosy and untrustworthy personality, she has to. The nurse, in Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, raised the main character, Juliet, since she had lost her own daughter, Susan. Her sense of humor and nonstop talking adds comic relief to the play. Throughout the play, the trusted family Nurse if commonly known for her need of attention, the way she looks and speaks, and untrustworthiness.
The Nurse can be seen as a character which betrayed Juliet. The Nurse was quite
The nurse's key capacity inside the play is to go aboutas a go-between for Romeo and Juliet and is the maincharacter other than Minister Laurence to know about their wedding. The nurse, in spite of being a worker in the Capulet family unit, has a part comparable to that of Juliet's mom and views Juliet as her own particular girl. The nurse's association with Juliet centers consideration around Juliet's age. In Juliet's first scene, the nurse over and over affirms that Juliet has not yet had her fourteenth birthday celebration. As opposed to Juliet's childhood, the nurse is old and appreciates grumbling about her a throbbing painfulness. Juliet's dissatisfaction at relying upon the nurse as her courier is utilized to comic impact in Act II, Scene 5 when Juliet is compelled to tune in to the nurse's ailments while attempting to coax from her thenews of her wedding designs: The nurse, as Mercutio, loves to talk finally. She frequently rehashes herself, and her indelicate references to the sexual part of affection set the optimistic love of Romeo and Juliet separated from
The Nurse, a woman who is supposed to help guide Juliet on the right path, yet mistakenly confuses Juliet’s needs with her father’s wants. Although the Nurse does not realize it, the attempt at provoking Juliet to marry Paris could have further convinced Juliet that she did not want to live with her family any longer, and ask Friar Lawrence for help, which is important because this resulted in her death (Act
The Nurse played an important role in the play The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. If the Nurses’s presence in the play had been omitted, the play would have ended out differently. Her absence would have made Juliet’s thoughts and feelings harder for the reader to understand. Throughout the play, Shakespeare uses the Nurse for many purposes but, her main role in the play is as a confidante. She assists Romeo and Juliet’s secret marriage, until she learns about Tybalt’s death.
The Nurse is a good friend of Juliet´s and also played a big role in raising her. The nurse wanted the best for juliet and for her to be happy therefore, she encouraged her to get married. ¨Is your man secret? Did you ne'er hear say, Two may keep counsel, putting one away..¨(2.4, 185) This showed how the nurse knew how dangerous it was for the people to find out they were married yet, she still allowed the marriage and told them to betray their parents and keep it secret. The nurse also sent Romeo letters for Juliet to keep them in contact. ¨There stays a husband to make you a wife. Now comes the wanton blood up in your cheeks.¨(2.5). This shows that the nurse had talked to romeo. Although, Friar is the one who brought the idea of
Although along the course of the play, the nurse has many times caused discouragement and show unsupportive attitude, but her maternal instincts and moral values prevents her from reporting Juliet’s behaviour to the Capulets. Despite her sudden betrayal towards the end of play, Shakespeare positions us to empathise for the nurse that she was the one who raised Juliet, fed her , cared for her, yet witnessed Juliet’s tragic death. William Shakespeare portrays both the likeable and irritable persona positioning the audience to dislike the character, yet empathise for the immense regret that she has to suffer for the rest of her
The Nurse kept all of Juliet’s secrets, and helped do many things for the love of Romeo and Juliet throughout the play, An example of this is when the nurse says, “Your love says, like an honest gentleman, and a courteous, and a kind, danand, I warrant,a virtuous,-Where is your mother?” (2.5.?)This quote is when the nurse was helping them to keep their love a secret and pass on messages from one to another when they were not able to see each other.Without the nurse passing on these messages Romeo and Juliet's love would have never been possible and neither would their tragic deaths. The nurse would sometimes question Juliet’s judgement but, she always tried to look out for what was best for Juliet, which caused Juliet to hide Friar Lawrence and her plan from the nurse, if Juliet would have been able trust the nurse then Romeo would have got the message and neither of them would have had to end up dead. In the play she helps the two young lovers with their secret meetings,love affairs,and messages.In this quote you can feel the hate that Juliet feels towards the nurse, The nurse also helps Romeo and Juliet with their secret marriage and all of the plans that had to happen in order to make their marriage possible.After the nurse agrees with Lord Capulet that Juliet should marry Paris Juliet is very angry and begins to feel hatred towards the nurse, she
First of all, The Nurse supports Juliet throughout the majority of the play, but her unsound advice is a notable reason for the young lovers’ downfall. For instance, Juliet appreciates The Nurse’s help during the beginning of her and Romeo’s relationship, but what Juliet is blind to is the damage that The Nurse does as she unintentionally leads Juliet to her death when she says “Then hie you hence to Friar Laurence’ cell;/ There stays a husband to make you a wife” (Shakespeare, II, v, 68-69). In essence, the wedding that The Nurse encourages Romeo and Juliet to have reflects her negative influence on their relationship as Juliet is left increasingly vulnerable to Romeo’s impulsivity, which is an extremely relevant cause of Juliet’s eventual demise. Additionally, both Romeo and Juliet are significantly affected by the immature behavior of their kin. Specifically, Juliet displays her eradicated ability to form rational decisions when she speaks of the pressure her family puts on her as she says “My only love sprung from my only hate!/ Too early seen unknown, and known too late!/ Prodigious birth of love it is to me/ That I must love a loathed enemy” (Shakespeare, I, v, 138-141). This internal conflict that arises when Juliet discovers that Romeo is a Montague is of significance
The nurse is very loyal to Juliet as shown in the past quote. The nurse is taking a chance at talking to Romeo for she knows that he is of the house of Montague and god knows the penalty for the interaction between.
The nurse means well, and has Juliet’s interests at heart, but is not a very good mentor either. “I think it best you married with the county. Oh he’s a lovely gentleman. Romeo’s a dishclout to him (Shakespeare 204). The nurse is insulting Romeo in this quote and is telling Juliet that it’s best to marry Paris because he’s lovely and that Romeo’s a dishcloth compared to him. Also, considering the nurse’s position as a maid and how she immediately changes her mind about Romeo, she isn’t a good mentor. “These griefs, these woes, these sorrows make me old. Shame come to Romeo!” (Shakespeare 160). The nurse finds out about Tybalt’s and comes home to tell Juliet about it, while also shaming Romeo. Later on the nurse’s mood changes so quickly and instead of insulting Romeo she says she’ll bring him here to comfort Juliet. The nurse changes so quickly, but it is so Juliet won’t stay mad at her, not out of her own will.
In Romeo and Juliet, to what extent is the Nurse to blame for the tragedy?
The Character of the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet The Nurse has a very important role in the play, being Juliet’s closest friend and helping her in her illicit relationship with Romeo. Her position in the Capulet household is superior to that of a normal servant. She is very familiar when she talks to Lady Capulet, and at times oversteps the mark. She talks about the daughter she once had and lost, and it is evident that Juliet is like a replacement and the Nurse lavishes all her motherly love and protectiveness on Juliet.
The Nurse is the only other person that knew about the secret relationship between Romeo and Juliet. She was sort of Juliet’s messenger in the story, she told Romeo about the marriage and when he was going to see Juliet again. Then towards the ending of the story she started realizing that Juliet’s parents were not going to let her marry anyone but Paris. So Nurse tried to help Juliet realize that, and it only made Juliet more upset and run off to Friar. When Juliet was upset she told Nurse that she was going to pay respects, nurse knew that wasn’t true and did nothing about it, if Nurse would have stopped Juliet from going to Friar she could have prevented the whole plan and stopped the events leading to Romeo and Juliet’s death. But Romeo and Juliet made it very difficult for the Nurse and Friar help them because they wanted nothing but to be together and they wouldn’t wait for anything.
It was a shock to Juliet that she didn’t support as before. The nurse played as an important role to her, however it wasn’t how Juliet was expected it was going to happen. Juliet was left on her own to make some very important decisions at the age of 15. I believe that if the Nurse had been around to help Juliet things may have turned out differently. Strangely, she advised Juliet to forget about Romeo and marry Paris, betraying Juliet’s trust by advocating a false marriage: “I think it best you married with the County. O, he’s a lovely gentleman. Romeo’s a dish clout to him”(3.5.218). Juliet can’t believe that the Nurse offers such a course of action after the Nurse praised Romeo and helped bring the couple together. She could not have gone to Lady Capulet or Lord Capulet, because they would not have understood.