
Ronald Reagan Challenger Disaster Analysis

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On the morning of January 28, 1986, a tragedy struck the United States when the Space Shuttle Challenger exploded just moments after liftoff on national television. Approximately 74 seconds into its flight, the shuttle erupted into flame and “was totally enveloped in the explosive burn” before breaking apart, killing all seven astronauts aboard. The Rogers Commission, appointed by President Ronald Reagan to investigate the disaster, later concluded that the accident occurred due to the failure of an O-ring seal in the right solid rocket booster of the shuttle.1 Saddened by the event, Reagan postponed his annual State of the Union address and instead gave a national address on the disaster the night of the incident. Within his address, Reagan expresses his condolences to the families of the crew and reminds everyone that “we’re still pioneers” despite that “we’ve grown used to the idea of space.” Notably, he spoke to …show more content…

The article includes background information on the event as well as many quotes from people who followed the Challenger mission and remember the tragedy. Many of the quotes express the viewer’s shock at the disaster while others convey a sense of loss. The article also touches on the complacency of NASA leading up to the disaster and refers to a quote which states that “one of the biggest outcomes from the tragedy was the recommendation that NASA needed a stronger safety organization.” Though Cindy and Tom did not recall specific details of conversations they had with others about the Challenger disaster, their feelings and opinions are mirrored in many of the quotes found in Vaidyanathan’s article. The article portrays a “national grief,”8 which came across when Cindy described the event as a “horrible tragedy,”3 and when Tom said “it was just a shocking

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