Ronald Reagan was a very popular person before, during, and after his time of presidency. He went from a mere radio announcer, to the head of the United States of America. Ronald had defeated most of the world’s problems with Communism, improved the economy, and handled terrorist threats like a pro. Ronald quickly took America’s heart with his honorable deeds and doings. He was very famous by the time he became deceased. (Ronald Reagan Facts.) Ronald Reagan was born on the 6th of February, in the year of 1911. His birthplace was Tampico Illinois, where his mother, Nelle Wilson Reagan, and his father, John Edward Reagan, had raised him. His father who everyone called “Jack” was a shoe salesman with many struggles with his job. These …show more content…
(Ronald Reagan) Before his career as an actor Ronald Reagan was a part of the US Army Reserve, while in the reserve, he was called to duty just after the Pearl Harbor. He served the army form the year of 1942 to the year of 1945. During his service he arose the the rank of Captain, even though he never had any part in combat situations. Although he never had experienced combat, he stayed stateside and narrated the training films and was in the Army Air Force’s First Motion Picture Unit. (Ronald Reagan) For the 1980 election for presidency, Reagan was considered the best choice for the Republican nomination. Reagan had been voted as our president with 51% of the popular vote and 489 out of 538 of electoral votes. George Bush was elected by his side as the vice president. Ronald’s campaign was centered on inflation, the gasoline shortage at the time, and the hostage situation that was in Iran. (Ronald Reagan) Not long after Ronald had taken his position in the office, was an assassination attempt was made upon him. The day of March 30th, 1981, John Hinckley Jr. fired six rounds at Ronald. John successfully his his target with one of the shots, causing one of Reagan’s lungs to collapse. Some of the other shots fired hit Reagan’s Press Secretary (James Brady), policeman Thomas Delahanty, and a Secret Service agent ( Timothy McCarthy). Ronald’s assassin, Hinckley, was found not guilty for the reason of insanity. John Hinckley was sent
Before his presidency, Reagan was elected as Governor of California in 1966 and reelected again in 1970. Winning by 489 electoral votes against Jimmy Carter, Reagan was elected President in 1981. He was the oldest President to be elected at 69 years old. He took office on January 20, 1981. Originally he was an American actor who appeared in 53 films, a politician, and a conservationist.
In the year 1980, there was a lot of inflation and unemployment as well as the issue in Iran where extremist Muslims took more than fifty Americans as captives. As a result, the picture portrayed Jimmy Carter as an insecure candidate for president. Ronald Reagan, on the other hand, encouraged the American people to have hope and that our nation was a set example for others. He easily defeated Carter with a whopping 44 million votes and 489 electoral votes to 35.5 million votes and 44 electoral votes. His election to the presidency seemed to be a fresh new start for the U.S.; Reagan invigorated the national defense, cut taxes, and impede the expansion of the government. During his first term, there was the development of weapons and the military in the nation as well as the continuation of the Cold War. In Ronald Reagan’s second term, he created an accord with Mikhail Gorbachev, the head of the USSR. Both nations signed a compromise to eradicate intermediate-range nuclear missiles in 1987 and then the tearing of the Berlin Wall was encouraged.
During his presidency there were many moments when he made decisions that would define him as a hero forever. Many of these decisions and policies he made would change the world forever. Ronald Reagan helped end an era of Communism and the Cold War. In his famous "Tear Down This Wall" speech Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall (Burgan 108-111). This wall was a symbol for Communism and the Cold War, once it was torn down almost everyone saw it as the end of the Cold War and Communism. Furthermore, Reagan ended an era of high nuclear tensions between Russia and the United States. Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev made a plan to reduce their nuclear armaments and eventually eliminate them (Drell). This nuclear disarmament would lead the way for many other countries to decrease their nuclear armaments as well. Lastly Reagan comforted the nation during times of doubt and hardship. Reagan payed his respects to the 17 Americans killed during the attacks on the US embassy in Lebanon (Burgan 82-85). He also addressed the nation after the death of 7 astronauts in the Challenger spacecraft explosion. He showed people that even in times of terror or heartbreak they would stand together as one and get through it. In conclusion Ronald Reagan sought to make peace in the world and succeeded in winning the hearts of millions during his
Reagan unsuccessfully ran for President in 1968 and 1976. However, in 1980 during a time of economic hardship, he won the Republican presidential nomination against George H.W. Bush and defeated Jimmy Carter in the general election.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was born on February 6, 1911, in a small town of about one-thousand residents in Tampico, Illinois. His parents, Jack and Nellie, gave Ronald the nickname “Dutch” because his father viewed baby Ronald as a fat Dutchman who made a hell of a lot of noise . Jack and Nellie met at a very young age and would eventually marry in Fulton, Illinois, in 1906.
Ronald Reagan: Cowboy, Movie Star, President of the United States. Ronald Reagan was not the typical presidential candidate in 1979. His charisma had won over most of the nation in the 1979 election which pinned him against the incumbent president Jimmy Carter. This paper will describe why to me he was a successful president, the relationships he had with his constituents, and his performance from 1981-1989.
Ronald Wilson Reagan was born February 6, 1911 in a town called Tampico Illinois. His parents Jack and Nelle Reagan were loving parents they were somewhat poor. His father worked as a shoe salesman, and they moved around during Ronald’s early years until they settled down in a town in Illinois called Dixon. As a child Ronald didn’t exactly like his name so he had the nickname “Dutch” that his father gave him for the reason that his dad said when he was born he looked like a small fat Dutchman. When he was in his high school years he was a lifeguard at a park by Rock River where he rescued 77 people. He ended up graduating from Dixon high school in 1928. He then found a job in Iowa where he was a sports announcer. He then got on with a radio
Raised in a poor family in small towns of northern Illinois, Ronald Reagan graduated from Eureka College in 1932 and worked as a sports announcer on several regional radio stations. After moving to Hollywood in 1937, he became an actor and starred in a few major productions. Reagan was twice elected President of the Screen Actors Guild, the labor union for actors, where he worked to root out Communist influence. In the 1950s,
Reagan was reelected by a landslide. He defeated Walter Mondale and his running mate Geraldine Ferraro, who was the first female vice-president candidate from a major political party. Reagan won 49 of the 50 states and received 525 out of 538 electoral votes. This is the largest number ever won by an american presidential
In 1937 while in Southern California to cover the Chicago Cubs spring training season, Ronald Reagan did a screen test for Warner Brothers movie studios. Warner Brothers signed him to a contract and that same year he made his acting debut in the movie “Love is on the Air”. Where he played as a radio broadcaster. Over the next three decades he played in over 50 movies. A famous role Reagan was in was in the 1945 movie “Kings Row”, he played as an accident victim who had to get his legs amputated and
So in the early 1960s he officially became a Republican. In 1964, Reagan gave a speech for a Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. This speech was very well-received by the public and it raised Reagan’s popularity. In 1966, Two years after the speech, Reagan ran in his first public office election, he ran for California governor. He won, defeating Edmund Brown Sr. by almost one million votes. Reagan was reelected for a second term in 1970. Reagan tried to run for president in 1968 and 1976 but not get the go ahead from his party until 1980. In the 1980 election Reagan’s running mate was George H.W. Bush and they were against Jimmy Carter, the current President at the time, and Walter Mondale, the current Vice President. Reagan won the election by a margin of 489-49 and he had almost 51 percent of the popular vote. He was inaugurated on January 20, 1981, he served from this date to January 20, 1989. At the time of his inauguration Reagan was 69, making him the oldest elected U.S
Reagan later ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1968. Although he did not win the nomination, his campaign established him as a future presidential possibility. In 1980, Reagan beat Jimmy Carter and became the nation’s 40th president. His election was viewed by many as a “new
Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States, is arguably said by many Americans to be the best president in U.S. history. Ronald Reagan is the biggest influence on the U.S. since 1900 because of Reaganomics, he ended the Cold War, and he provided arms and other support to anti-communist groups . Not only did Reagan win forty nine out of the fifty states in his bid for reelection in 1984, but, he also earned five hundred and twenty-five electoral votes. This counted as the most Electoral Votes of any candidate in the history of the United States. The Election of 1984 proved to be a testament of how powerful this man really was.
In the early 1980s, the American people elected Ronald Reagan as President of the United States of America. Many people claim that Reagan was one of the greatest presidents of all time, while others believe that the country would have been much better off had Reagan never been elected. Regardless of their political preferences, it is undeniable that Ronald Reagan changed the world in the 1980s and his work as president will be forever remembered in the countless books of history. Ronald Reagan ran as a Republican and was the absolute epitome of a conservative. He worked to bring forth the ideal of conservatism in America and successfully captured and isolated that belief in the presidency. As president, Reagan worked to bring the ideal of American exceptionalism back to the country, to set the economy on the right track, and to end the Communist threat that had been present since the end of World War II. For all practical purposes, Ronald Reagan was a president who accomplished more than he set forth to do and did so famously; some would say infamously. Nevertheless, Reagan accomplished more in his eight year presidency than most presidents of the 20th Century. He is widely hailed as the man who ended the Cold War and will forever be remembered as the man who led to the conservative resurgence in America. He was a man of profound ability and charisma and America is better off for having Reagan as the Commander-in-Chief during the latter portion of the 20th
In 1937, Reagan enlisted in the Army Reserve as a Private, but soon he was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant in the Officers Reserve Corps of the Cavalry. In 1942, the Army Air Force called Reagan to active duty and assigned Lieutenant Reagan to the 1st Motion Picture Unit in Culver City, California. On July 22, 1943, Reagan was promoted to the rank of captain, however two years later, the Army discharged Captain Reagan. After his service in the military, Reagan resumed his acting career.