
Rosalyn Schanzer's Witches: The Absolutely True Tale Of Disaster In Salem

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In Rosalyn Schanzer’s Witches! The Absolutely True Tale Of Disaster In Salem, in Salem, Massachusetts a horrible crisis went down. In 1692 Puritans came to Salem with a belief. This belief lead to many witch accusations and problems in Salem. However these accusations weren’t just because the belief, many thought two girls had been very smart of accusing people of being witches. So many people started to do this and it lead to twenty-five innocent lives being lost. These witch accusations were because of people who wanted revenge, were ill, and because of Satan. One of the reasons for the witch accusations is because people wanted revenge on other people. When people had their differences in Salem they got mad at each other and started to accuse the person they were mad at. People also "acted more out of jealousy and greed than any sense of religious purpose" (Karson). The Putnams had a horrid disagreement with Osborne and they had been very frustrated with her and wanted revenge on her because of this argument. “Nobody liked Osborne either, especially a …show more content…

“A belief that Satan recruits witches and wizards to work for him” (couldn’t find author). This is true because many people saw people have convulsions and new it was from the devil. “Consequently, madness, eccentricity, and strange, out-of-place behavior was said to be brought on by the Devil, a belief that the puritans of New England held with a fierce conviction” (Havock). The Puritans knew that the devil was deluge of these actions and that was their belief. “Salem authorities arrested her, and she was beaten until she confessed to complying with the Devil” (Havock). This quote is talking about Tituba and how she was making plan with the devil, she was accused of being a witch because of it. People thought this was so bad because they knew Satan was a Apparition, and this is scary because if you were Apparition you were definitely a

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