
Rosemary Character Analysis

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Rosemary, who Fowler presents as the protagonist, is possibly one of the most complex characters in the novel. I think Rosemary’s character is the perfect character analysis because while she is complex, Fowler created her character to be relatable to every teenage girl, even though Rosemary is going through an unusually un-relatable situation. This aspect draws readers in, because everyone has gone through a moment of questioning who they are in the world around them. Rosemary is constantly questioning who she believes she is and who society views her as throughout the novel, however, her undeniable connection to Fern as a sister, the influence of her newfound friend Harlowe, and her reconnection with her mother pushes Rosemary to finally …show more content…

However, inside she has always viewed herself as “the monkey girl”, forever connected to Fern as a sister: “None of that changed who I fundamentally was, my not-so-quite human, my tabloid monkey-girl self.” (Fowler 103). I think Rosemary subconsciously knew that she identified her own self as Fern’s sister, but because her situation was considered different in society, she went into a state of denial to attempt to fit into social situations, such as high school and college. In both of these settings, Rosemary tried to hide herself in order to blend in so as not to be made fun of. Despite Rosemary’s attempts at secrecy, she constantly connects to Fern in every situation, down to the simplest train of …show more content…

This point in the novel completely changes the course of Rosemary’s life. By reforming this relationship, Rosemary is able to get closure with everything that happened with Fern, as well as put her life back together. This decision causes Rosemary to become a kindergarten teacher, where she can be her true “monkey-girl” self and be accepted. This also leads her back to Fern, whom she then protects, takes care of, and teaches her class about. However, it is a bittersweet ending, because Rosemary and Fern’s relationship will never be the same, “she and I will never touch each other again, never sit with our arms around each other, never walk in tandem as if we were a single person. This dream sanctuary is the best solution I can imagine- an electrified fence around us, a bulletproof wall between.” (Fowler 297). Despite this bittersweet ending, I believe that this was the best choice Rosemary could have made, because it provided closure for her and her sister

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