
Rosemary Descriptive Essay

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Due to having an extremely sensitive nose and a complete and utter dislike for the smell of chemicals, I don’t use any artificial air fresheners. Not to say that there’s something wrong with anyone who does; my nose just can’t handle it.

However, because my nose is so sensitive, I often have a hard time dealing with the smell of smoke, strong cologne or perfume, dirty socks (a man thing,) strong cooking smells, and even just a bad odor anywhere for any reason. I would love to just have a constant smell of lavender or lemon, a nice soft aroma. Come on, I know some of you wish you could smell your favorite baked cookie all day long, or possibly your favorite candle scent all day everyday!

After much trial and error, I finally found the answer for my late night wishes; simmering fresh fruit and fresh herbs in some water. Oh what a wonderful discovery! …show more content…

After carefully picking a few springs of rosemary from the garden I went inside and washed them off then stored them in the fridge until I was ready to use them. See below for rosemary storing instructions until you’re ready for use.

Once I had my rosemary, I checked to see what fruit I had in the house and decided on lemons and limes. Limes are by far one of my favorite fruits smell wise. They take me back to my childhood and sweet lime popsicles during the hot summer days. Lemons on the other hand, are just so absolutely good for your body that I always have them on my mind. I literally use them daily for something or another. Their fresh scent and taste make for a wonderful addition to many fresheners, drinks, cleaning products, dressings, and food dishes.

The scent of lemon and rosemary is enticing, inviting, and a bit invigorating. Furthermore, you will find yourself gravitating to the kitchen as soon as you walk into your

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