Overview The Rosemont; a behavioral health care center, is now facing bankruptcy. Cates Lewis; the financial backer of the Rosemont: met Charles Brown; the CEO of a consulting firm, on an airplane. Cates asked Charles if he would be interested in consulting with The Rosemont and helping it get back on its feet. With the limited information provided by Cates, Charles was uncertain whether he could help but he agreed to make a two-day site consultation and report his findings to the board. Company Background Several years ago Cates became the financial backer for a buyout of a behavioral health care center, The Rosemont following encouragement from his brother, Lloyd Lewis, who had 20+ years of experience working in behavioral health care …show more content…
Track brand awareness and image. Redesign billing activities Develop a uniform billing verification process. Maintain consistent billing procedures. Prompt and efficient billing of patients as at when due. Inform customers about billing procedures. Clear any confusion about billing charges. Improve relationship with payers. Reorganization of organizational structure Develop a flow chart of the total process of both facilities. Evaluate each activity to determine if it’s strategy critical. Consider the benefits and demerits of outsourcing non-critical activities. Design a functional structure for performing the remaining activities. Reorganize groups and personnel who carry out this activities into the new structure. Develop financial strategy Evaluate whether current financial resources are being used efficiently. Evaluate options to increase profitability. Evaluate ways to reduce expenses. Develop information resources Assess information systems needs in pre-service and after service activities. Develop information systems plans for operations and upgrades. Develop human resources Asses job market for availability of a more efficient
My community clinical was at the Denver House Mental Health Association located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. This is a day center for targeted for the people with mental illnesses and homeless, which opened in 2012 (mhaok.org). Many of the homeless population in Tulsa, Ok suffer from a mental illness. Due to the lack of resources in our community, those who suffer from a mental illness end up on the streets. The day center provides a safe warm place for the homeless and those with mental illnesses. They provide a stigma free welcoming environment were those feel welcome to come and interact with peers. The organization also has specific workers that help with finding shelter, apartments, and jobs. They also have a community closet for clothing that is open every Tuesday and Thursday. You must be 18 years old, be drug free while on premises, and follow basic rules to come to the Denver House.
The reporting party (RP) disclosed that Taylor Trusheim DOB: 4/3/99 was brought into Sutter/Yuba Behavioral Health for a Triage appointment to assess for possible services. Prior to the appointment Taylor's mother La Vonne Bettencourt received a call from a family member who brought up an incident which occurred when she was 4 years old. The family member mentioned an incident where the child was molested by the daycare provider's husband Bret Baker. Subsequently the mother discussed the information with Taylor who confirmed the molestation. The confirmation alarmed the mother who recalled the last day the child was at the daycare. On that day after pick up 4 year old Taylor, the mother felt uneasy regarding an incident which occurred. According
P.S. I wanted to mention, and it may be my miss communication, Jim Williams is an advisory board member, and not the chairman. Our chairman is Frank
The crest mental health residential organization are located at Elgin field road property near Lucan, Ontario. There are lot of families live at this place and this place also focus on health stabilization, life skill improvement and community rehabilitation. The 8- unit apartment building available at this place for individuals. The two-location present at this place like supports attention on increased independence which provide day or night support for individual with serious mental illness, including mental health and developmental disability.
1.) Describe the method or methods you would use to determine priorities for both existing and potential services that the Lakeview Medical Center might offer.
I interviewed, Ivonne Suarez, who is a case manager at Arizona Counseling and Treatment Services (ACTS). She has worked in the field for seven years, but has only worked at ACTS for seven months. Next, she has a Bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a Master’s degree in public administration. Also, she is in the Army reserves, prior to her working at ACTS, she was active duty and was stationed all over Europe. While in the military she worked as a medical tech, and also in behavioral health. Lastly, she enjoys her job because she gets the gratification from helping others who are in need.
Hamlin FCCS: San Fernando Valley Community Mental Health Center offers adult field capable clinical services to consumers who are at risk of hospitalization, institutional placement and/or jail. This center offers outreach and field based mental health services, case management, individual therapy, group counseling, medication support, and linkage to the workforce and/or educational goals. Upon first visit there is no visible language or symbols which specifically address mechanisms of oppression. However, there are postings which provide information and education on patient rights and privacy. The organization aids in providing advocacy to clients who have mental disorders.
As a refresher, I am interning at Mercy Behavioral Health Service Coordination Unit (MBH-SCU). Overall, I am enjoying the roles and activities in MBH-SUC and I believe that the experience is a very valuable learning practice. This reaction paper discusses a concept as it relates to my field practicum/field experience: Diversity and inclusion in healthcare organizations.
Our country’s current economic crisis is drastically affecting not just individuals, but businesses and organizations as well, especially when it comes to those that are non-profit. Funding for necessary programs held by non-profit organizations, such as Moses Cone Behavioral Health, have been cut annually, making it more difficult for their institutions to prosper. Due to these substantial declines in donations and funds, local volunteers are needed now more than ever. I chose to volunteer at Moses Cone Behavioral Health Hospital to help combat this loss in funding.
As president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Sharp HealthCare, Michael W. Murphy is tasked with a large responsibility. He oversees more than 16,000 employees, 2,600 affiliated physicians and about 2,100 volunteers. In turn, this workforce provides service and healthcare to a completely integrated not-for-profit system that includes "four acute-care hospitals, three specialty hospitals, two affiliated medical groups, five urgent care centers, three skilled nursing facilities, home health, hospice, state-of-the-art outpatient facilities and a health plan" (sharp.com, 2015, internet). Murphy 's healthcare career has spanned more than 30 years. He was appointed to his most recent position in June 1996 (sddt.com, 2015, internet). Murphy 's bona fides are numerous. His executive experience includes serving as Chief Financial Officer of Grossmont Hospital, beginning in 1991. He is a certified public accountant as well. In addition, since September 2002, he has served as the Executive Director of Jack in the Box (bloomberg.com, 2015, internet).
In 2010, my cousin went on a hiking trip with her Residential Treatment Center (RTC). On that trip, she collapsed and wasn’t taken to the hospital until a couple weeks later. By that time, we found out that her body was overheated, which caused her to collapse and she was slowly becoming brain dead. She passed away three days after her seventeenth birthday, which would have made it year before she could come back to our family. If only the RTC staff was able to get her to a hospital soon enough, she would have been able to share memories with our family would be able to have a relationship with my cousin. There is an issue with the RTC’s that need to be handled. RTC’s “provide intensive help for youth with serious emotional and behavior problems (Residential)”. There needs to be better communication with the citizens, more drop-ins in the centers and a more thorough application process for the staff at the Residential Treatment Centers in order to give these foster children the care and attention they need.
The liquidity ratios of the firm are slightly below the industry averages. This is due to inventory and accounts receivable making up a significantly larger portion of the current assets than cash and marketable securities. This may be indicative of a problem with inventory management and/or collection on accounts.
Many people suffer from mental health challenges. Often times individuals need a place to go to obtain help both mentally and physically. Mental health problems can affect a significant amount of people. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood (“What is mental health?”, 2013 ). Mental health problems can become prevalent at any stage of life. It is important that those mental health problems be addressed and what better way to address those issues is to reach out to the local community to find those resources that can help assist in emergent and non-emergent mental health care.
Part of the problem with the board was that all its members were Lloyd’s golfing friends and he was viewed as “Mr. Network” (Swayne et al, 2008, p.620); one of the board members is a recovering alcoholic and his only connection was he was a product of Rosemont Center, the other board member owns many businesses that provided nonmedical supplies to Rosemont and the remaining two members were partners in the accounting firm that audited the facilities books! The reality still remains, Rosemont was in trouble and liquidation was not an option, Rosemont had to be turned around.
The success the company now enjoys is credited to Martinez’s leadership, motivation, caring, and attention to detail. Delivering the medical care to a patient, in the comfort of their own home, by professional, caring medical staff is a much needed service in rural northeast Colorado.